Our Mission We exist to pervade the Back Mountain, the Wyoming Valley and the world with the gospel by making disciples who make disciples, and who display the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ in every phase of their lives.
19 my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you! Galatians 4:19
Christ formation is designed to happen in community!
What Is The Role of the Church? The role of the church is to oversee that process.
If you are a disciple of Christ… You should be submitted to the process of Christ being formed in you. (A Disciple)
If you are a disciple of Christ… You should be submitted to the process of Christ being formed in you. (A Disciple) You should be willing to be used by the Lord to help others have Christ formed in them. (A Disciple Maker)
If you are a disciple of Christ… You should be submitted to the process of Christ being formed in you. (A Disciple) You should be willing to be used by the Lord to help others have Christ formed in them. (A Disciple Maker) You should be committed to the local church making disciples and you therefore engage yourself into the life of the local church. (Disciple Making In Community)
Worshipping, Growing, Serving
Worshipping, Growing, Serving We are a community of Christ followers Worshipping God. We are a community of Christ followers Growing in Christ. We are a community of Christ followers Serving in the Spirit’s power.
God at Work at Fellowship
Core Values of Fellowship Loving and Obeying God
Core Values of Fellowship Loving and Obeying God Loving and Serving Others
Core Values of Fellowship Loving and Obeying God Loving and Serving Others Gospel Witness
Core Values of Fellowship Loving and Obeying God Loving and Serving Others Gospel Witness Sacrificial Service
Core Values of Fellowship Loving and Obeying God Loving and Serving Others Gospel Witness Sacrificial Service Joyful Generosity
Loving & Serving Others Loving & Obeying God Loving & Serving Others Gospel Witness Sacrificial Service Joyful Generosity Gospel Community