RESOURCE MOBILISATION FOR SNA 2008 PROJECT United Nations Economic Commission for Africa CONTINENTAL STEERING COMMITTEE RESOURCE MOBILISATION FOR SNA 2008 PROJECT Josephine Marealle-Ulimwengu Office of Partnerships 08 December 2014, Tunis
Presentation Outline Introduction Update on resource mobilisation for Phase I Transition Plan to Phase II
Introduction Pilot Phase January 2014 – December 2015 Role of the Continental Secretariat in support of the project Prepare work-plans, budget and logical framework of the project; Coordinate with regional coordinators and other partners for implementing the African project; Mobilise and allocate resources; Assist and backstop the countries to design their action plans; and M & E and reporting
Update on resources mobilisation Three Expected Accomplishments with a budget of USD 4,881,259: EA 1 – USD 826,995 for improving capacity in production, analysis and dissemination of national accounts in member States EA 2 – USD 1,037,950 for increasing human, financial and technical resources for national accounts in member States; and EA 3 - USD 2,454,753 for facilitating timely and effective completion of Phase I and transition to Phase II
Resource mobilised 2014 (USD) Gap to be filled in 2015 (USD) Project Components Projection for 2014/2015 (USD) Resource mobilised 2014 (USD) Gap to be filled in 2015 (USD) Methodological Development, training and Technical Assistance 1,477,458 270,000 1,207,458 Institutional Strengthening 193,553 - Advocacy Campaign 193,932 Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting 827,193 265,000 562,193 Secretariat and administrative support 1,627,560 1,077,290 550,270 Subtotal 4,319,696 1,612,290 2,707,406 Programme Support Costs 561,560 209,598 351,963 Total 4,881,256 1,821,888 3,059,369
Activity Result Area Costs Training on SNA 2008 EA 1 Outputs 1.1 Technical documents 70,000 AGNA meeting EA 3: Outputs 3.1 CSC & 3.2 M & E, and coordination 130,000 Friends of the Chair meeting 60,000 EGM on Supply and Use Tables EA 2 Outputs 2.1 Technical documents 132,000 EGM on the Use of Administrative Data 68,000 CSC meeting 75,000 TOTAL 535,000
Summary of resource mobilised In Kind and financial contribution for implementation Total – Post and Non Post Resources Item (in USD) Fully equipped offices (7) 336,000 Communication 36,000 Furniture 12,000 IT hardware and software 20,000 Other equipment XB Resources for implementation of project activities 535,000 Total 959,000 Item in USD Post resources 653,290 Non-post resources 424,000 XB Resources for implementation 535,000 Total Resource Mobilised 1,612,290
Support to SNA 2008 from the ECA African Centre for Statistics Budget Level % of time RB P-5 80% P-4 P-3 50% P-2 LL (x3) XB P-4/5 100% P-1 Support to SNA 2008 from the ECA Office of Partnerships 20% 25% P - 4 P- 3
Resource mobilised by strategic Partners Resource mobilisation for Institutional Strengthening and Advocacy Campaign. Recognise AUC, AfDB, member states, RECs and strategic partners have provided in Kind, technical assistance and financial resources in support of SNA 2008. Template to be filled to recognise and document contribution.
Characteristics Partners Definition AUC AfDB Member states RECs Other In Kind Support In-kind support involves the provision of support other than financial and technical assistance. The support may include non-cash contributions such as donation of materials, equipment or other items Technical Assistance Technical assistance (TA) involves non-financial assistance provided through experts/specialists to maximize the quality of project implementation and impact. Financial Resources Fund amount raised in support of the project USD $
Transition to Phase II 2015 Key Milestones Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Review and assess progress made during Phase I – Primary & secondary data collection and analysis Consultation with SNA Pan African Institutions on governance structure and coordination of Phase II Revised SNA PRODOC/Business Plan Presentation of the SNA PRODOC/BP to member states, Partners and PanAf Institutions Consultation with MS, and strategic partners on their initiatives and/or support from/to SNA 2008 project Draft SNA PRODOC/ Business Plan - Including consultation and triangulation information gathered from MS, RECs and Partners Publication of SNA PRODOC/ Business Plan Round table meetings with potential funding partners (October) Partners’ Survey on perceptions and expectations SNA PRODOC/BP Validation meeting (June) Circulation of the SNA PRODOC/ Development and signing of MoUs - cooperation and grant agreements USD 60,000 USD 70,000 USD 20,000 USD 110,000 Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sept Oct - Dec
Resources to be mobilised for 2015 (USD) Methodological Development, training and Technical Assistance 1,207,458 Institutional Strengthening 193,553 Advocacy Campaign 193,932 Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting 562,193 Secretariat and administrative support 550,270 Transition to Phase II 260,000 Subtotal 2,967,406 Programme Support Costs 385,763 Total 3,353,169 Funds secured Gap to be raised 2,802,899 Expected contribution from AUC Expected contribution from AfDB Expected contribution from Member states/RECs
Issues for discussion Capture and recognise resource (human and financial) contribution from: Member states and RECs Pan African Institutions Strategic Partners Transition to Phase II Proposed activities and timeframe for completion of the PRODOC/Business Plan for Phase II Resource mobilisation plan - Round table meeting with potential funding partners +