Świętokrzyski (Holy Cross) National Park is one of the most beautiful parks in Poland created it in May The total area is 5908 h The animals which deserve attention are mammals protected species, including: dormouse, ermine, weasel grace, marten and several species of bats. Interesting birds include: black woodpecker, lesser spotted eagle, hazel. The specific soil and climatic conditions influenced the present nature of the park vegetation. Rare species include yew, birch, black alder and elm.
Famous landscape feature in Poland are dunes. The dunes are in Łeba. And precisely about 9 miles east of Łeba on the spit formed by the sea and the lake Łebsko. They move to the west (towards Łeba) with speed 9 meters per year. They are famous because they move, and they look impressive. You can walk there or go by bike. It's a great place for holiday.
The Sea Eye It is a glacial lake. The Sea Eye has an area of ha, length 862 m, width 568 m and the deepest point reaches 50.8 m.. The name "Sea Eye" is a translation from German. The name used by mountaineers earlier is the White Pond. The Sea Eye also called the Fish Lake or the Fish Pond, is one of the few naturally stocked lakes of the Tatra mountains. The Sea Eye was discovered at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
The Tatra mountains are a famous landscape in Poland. The Tatras are in the South of Poland. Rysy is the highest mountain in Poland (2503 m n.p.m) A lot of tourists come to the Tatras every year. In my opinion it is the most beautiful place in my country. The Tatra mountains
The Baltic Sea is a mediterranean sea located between Central and Northern Europe. Its a shallow inland sea on the continental shelf in northern Europe. The Baltic Sea
What it is exactly Wolin?? Wolin is the only island in Poland. It is located in the north-western part of Poland, near the border with Germany. This island is on the Baltic sea. What interesting you can see in that place??? First of all, you must visit Wolin National Park. In this amazing place you can see lots of birds, especially water birds. On this island there are unique cliffs. Wolin
Slowinski National Park Slowinski National Park - one of the 23 national parks in Poland. Founded in It has an area of ha. Characteristic features of the park are coastal lakes, marshes, meadows, bogs, coastal forests and woods, and above all the dune belt spit of shifting sand dunes. The symbol of the park is a seagull. The most important animals of the park are birds (about 260 species, e.g. battalion, herring gulls, curlew, redshank, shelduck, common snipe, greylag goose, pochard and cranes).
The highest mountain in the Karkonosze is Śnieżka. It is 1602 metres high. Many years ago Śnieżka was a volcano. This is the highest volcano mountain in the Karkonosze. Śnieżka
The Vistula River Vistula River, Polish Wisła, largest river of Poland and of the drainage basin of the Baltic Sea. With a length of 651 miles (1,047 kilometres) and a drainage basin of some 75,100 square miles (194,500 square kilometres), it is a waterway of great importance to the nations of eastern Europe; more than 85 percent of the rivers drainage basin, however, lies in Polish territory.
Hel Peninsula The Hel Peninsula (Hel Spit) is one of the natural and scenic peculiarities in Poland. It was formed by sea currents carrying sand washed away from the bottom of the sea. The length of the peninsula is ca. 34 km, width in the base area reaches from 200 to 500 meters, in the region of Jastarnia over 1,100 meters, while in Hel over 2,900m. During the migration period of birds such species as cormorants, grebes and lapwings but also a few dozen species of seagulls, terns and ducks can be seen here.