Denominational “Salvation” I. Man’s Need for Salvation • Luke 19:1-10 • Romans 3:21-26 • I Timothy 2:1-4
Denominational “Salvation” II. The Wrong Method of Salvation A. Denominational concept - The sinner’s prayer. B. Bible teaching • Acts 16:26-34 • Acts 8:35-39 • I Peter 3:10-12
Denominational “Salvation” III. The Wrong Access to Salvation A. Denominational concept - “Ask Jesus to come into your heart.” B. Bible teaching • Galatians 3:26,27 • Romans 6:1-6
Denominational “Salvation” IV. The Wrong Conditions of Salvation A. Denominational concept - No conditions B. Bible teaching • I John 1:6-9 • Matthew 24:9-13
Denominational “Salvation” V. False Assurance of Salvation A. Denominational concept - “if you really have faith you can be sure you’re saved” B. Bible teaching • Hebrews 10:19-27 • I Corinthians 4:3-5 • I Corinthians 9:24-27
Denominational “Salvation” VI. A Different Gospel A. Rebuke of the Galatians • Galatians 1:6-9 • Galatians 5:4 • Galatians 5:6 • Galatians 2:11,12
Denominational “Salvation” VI. A Different Gospel B. What about a “gospel” that teaches: 1. A way to salvation the Bible doesn’t teach? 2. Access to and assurance of salvation which the Bible never promises?
Denominational “Salvation” VI. A Different Gospel C. It, as well is a “different gospel” which in fact “is not another” but a false perversion of the gospel of Christ.