BTRCC HISTORY GCSE Knowledge organiser Unit 5.1 Causes of WW1 Timeline 1882 After defeating France in Franco Prussian War, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy form the defensive ‘Triple Alliance’. Division of Europe begins. 1892 In response to isolation created by the above, France and Russia create defensive agreement. Germany feels ‘encircled’ 1904 In response to German naval policy, GB signs the Entente Cordiale’ (friendly agreement) with France. 1906 Naval race between G and GB begins 1907 After 1st Moroccan Crisis – GB and Russia sign an entente. Fuels fear of encirclement 1914 28 June Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand inaugurates WW1 Movers and Shakers Archduke Franz Ferdinand Heir to Austro-Hungarian empire Edward VII King of Britain 1901-1910 Emperor Franz Josef Emperor of Austria-Hungary Gavrilo Princip Bosnian Serb and member of Black Hand. George V King of Britain 1910-1936 Kaiser Wilhelm II Emperor of Germany Tsar Nicholas II Emperor of Russia Timeline 1882 After defeating France in Franco Prussian War, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy form the defensive ‘Triple Alliance’. Division of Europe begins. 1892 In response to isolation created by the above, France and Russia create defensive agreement. Germany feels ‘encircled’ 1904 In response to German naval policy, GB signs the Entente Cordiale’ (friendly agreement) with France. 1906 Naval race between G and GB begins 1907 After 1st Moroccan Crisis – GB and Russia sign an entente. Fuels fear of encirclement 1914 28 June Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand inaugurates WW1 Movers and Shakers Archduke Franz Ferdinand Heir to Austro-Hungarian empire Edward VII King of Britain 1901-1910 Emperor Franz Josef Emperor of Austria-Hungary Gavrilo Princip Bosnian Serb and member of Black Hand. George V King of Britain 1910-1936 Kaiser Wilhelm II Emperor of Germany Tsar Nicholas II Emperor of Russia Key terms and words Alliance A union formed for mutual benefit between countries, especially defensive Balkans Area of South East Europe Dreadnought New class of warship that altered how naval strength is measured Mobilise To organise troops ready for war Ottoman Empire Turkish Empire which included SE Europe Pan Slavism A movement in SE Europe to unite all Slavic peoples Schlieffen Plan G war plan to overcome scenario of fighting a war on two fronts ‘Splendid Isolation’ GB foreign policy through 19thC.Trying not to get involved in Europe, instead focusing on her empire. Suez Canal Ship canal in Egypt which provides short cut to GB and F empires Ultimatum Final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation Weltpolitik Kaiser Wilhelm’s (G’s) foreign policy to acquire more colonies and develop a huge navy. Key terms and words Alliance A union formed for mutual benefit between countries, especially defensive Balkans Area of South East Europe Dreadnought New class of warship that altered how naval strength is measured Mobilise To organise troops ready for war Ottoman Empire Turkish Empire which included SE Europe Pan Slavism A movement in SE Europe to unite all Slavic peoples Schlieffen Plan G war plan to overcome scenario of fighting a war on two fronts ‘Splendid Isolation’ GB foreign policy through 19thC.Trying not to get involved in Europe, instead focusing on her empire. Suez Canal Ship canal in Egypt which provides short cut to GB and F empires Ultimatum Final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation Weltpolitik Kaiser Wilhelm’s (G’s) foreign policy to acquire more colonies and develop a huge navy. BTRCC History Department…….. ‘in pursuit of excellence.’ BTRCC History Department…….. ‘in pursuit of excellence.’