Jeopardy Review: Right Triangle Trigonometry
Missing Sides and Angles Solving Right Triangles Trig Ratios Missing Sides and Angles Complementary Angles Solving Right Triangles 200 400 600 800 1000
Trig Ratios - 200 (in ratio form) Back
Trig Ratios - 400 (in ratio form) Back
Solve for the missing side Trig Ratios - 600 Solve for the missing side Back
Is this a right triangle? Trig Ratios - 800 Is this a right triangle? Back
Find the perimeter of the triangle. Trig Ratios - 1000 Find the perimeter of the triangle. Back
Missing Sides/Angles - 200 Find x. Back
Missing Sides/Angles - 400 Back
Missing Sides/Angles - 600 Back
Missing Sides/Angles - 800 Back
Missing Sides/Angles - 1000 Find: CD CE ∠𝐷 Back
Complementary Angles - 200 Back
Complementary Angles - 400 Back
Complementary Angles - 600 Back
Complementary Angles - 800 If sin𝐴= 8 10 , what is cosB? Back
Complementary Angles - 1000 If cos𝐴= 3 5 , what is sinB? Back
Find x. Round to the nearest tenth. Solving Right Triangles - 200 Find x. Round to the nearest tenth. Back
Find x. Round to the nearest tenth. Solving Right Triangles - 400 Find x. Round to the nearest tenth. Back
Solving Right Triangles - 600 Back
Solving Right Triangles - 800 Back
Solving Right Triangles - 1000 Back