CIS Work Programme 2010-2012 Initial suggestions from WG F Maria Brättemark, WFD Team, DG ENV.D.2, European Commission
Introduction No discussion in WG F yet – written consultation Discussion foreseen for next WG F meeting - 20.5.2009 Key issue on “type of activity” of the activity not discussed yet Some proposed themes
Presentation to SCG
Presentation to SCG No discussion in WG F yet – written consultation Discussion foreseen for next WG F meeting - 20.5.2009 Key issue on “type of activity” of the activity not discussed yet Some proposed themes
Key proposed activities Formal requirements of the Directive finalising the reporting formats for all steps* : Development and agreement of reporting sheets and formats for flood mapping (final deadline of 22.12.2011) Development and agreement of reporting sheets and formats for flood risk management plans (final deadline 22.12.2013) Testing of reporting for all stages (PFRA, Maps, FRMP) Any related issues arising from INSPIRE implementation * It is intended that the reporting formats for the preliminary Flood risk assessment, competent authorities and units of management are agreed in 2009, along with the concept paper.
Key proposed activities B. Information exchange activities : - flood risk management plans (including catchment approach, land use, etc) - climate change adaptation (reference to activity in White paper on adaption) - assessment, mapping and management of flash floods & pluvial floods - synergies with WFD and other legislation - economic assessment (linked to economic activity and cost-benefit assessment in FRMP) Thematic WG F workshops reporting to WG F Regular WG F meetings
Conclusions SCG
Working Groups ECOSTAT – Priority Substances (including CMA) coorporation with HyMo ad hoc activity and to Water&Biodiversity Expert Group Priority Substances (including CMA) Groundwater activities to be limited Reporting Floods
Expert Groups Agriculture & Water Climate Change & Water More concrete deliverables, pro-active input CAP, pesticides Climate Change & Water Biodiversity & Water Workshop is starting point for step-by-step approach Water Scarcity & Droughts
Ad hoc activities Science Policy Link (tbc) Economics Hydromorphology Objectives & exemptions RBM Plans Prior agreement of workshops by SCG/WD
Other issues Leadership of activities – request for expressions of interest Mandate development: clear, targeted, limited, including specifications of subgroups Dissemination: improve CIRCA as proposed in discussion document, including preparing an overview sheet per activity with objectives and links to main document Preparation of discussion document for WD on this basis
Next steps
Drafting of mandate WG F Key activities and issues to raise Timetable and deliverables Dissemination activities Presentation reflecting the main ideas to the Czech Water Directors meeting end May 2009 Preparation of draft mandate and final agreement on mandate by Swedish Water Directors meeting – final draft October WG F 6