Welcome to the Mills Park Elementary School PTA General Membership Meeting September 24, :00-6:30 pm
PTA Board Members President- Trudy Yaklich Vice President- Heather McDanel Treasurer- Catina Gunion Secretary- Maura Butler Communications- Michelle Shetty Hospitality- Erica OMalley Ways and Means- Manisha Kode
Last year we raised over $32,000 profit for our school with Boosterthon. This was our biggest fundraiser ever. This year, with your help and support, we hope to raise even more. Boosterthon and MPE
What did we do with the money raised? New Classroom Computers for 1 grade level 32 Acti-Votes for Upper Grades 10 Activ Slates for Promethean Boards 10 iPads and a cart 10 Laptop computers Vacuums for every 2 classrooms $400 for each grade level to spend on classroom books Teacher Grants Teacher Lounge Makeover Playground Storage Containers Paper Shredders Cultural Arts Assemblies
Budget FundRaisers- Where does the money come from? Fund RaiserExpected Funds Raised Boosterthon$24,000 Direct Donations$2,000 Membership Dues$2,500 Book Fair$3,500 Art by Me$2,000 Spring Carnival$8,000 Box Tops$2,000 Target and Harris Teeter$2,500 School Store$1,000 Spirit Nights$1,200 Spirit Wear$1,500 Directory Advertising and Fees$550 Total Expected Funds$50,750
Budget Programs-What do PTA funds go towards? All our school programs that are not covered by Wake County Schools!! ProgramExpense Cultural Arts Assemblies$6,000 Computers and Technology$10,000 Teacher Grants$11,500 Odyssey of the Mind$2,300 Field Day$1,600 Reflections$300 Health and Wellness and Maniacs Marathon $350 Red Ribbon Week$750 Science Fair$200 And MUCH, MUCH More
Mills Park Elementary PTA Membership Drive Thank You for helping us meet our Membership Goal!!!! – We currently have over 600 members – Members include teachers, parents, staff and family – Our goal was to have at least 400 PTA members by the end of September. Thank you for helping us reach this goal! If you are not a member, it is not too late! Why Join? – Your membership dollars help fund school programs and activities – Your ideas help change and improve our school. You get a vote and a voice! – Your leadership within the PTA requires membership. Join Us- It is never too late!!
Volunteer Opportunities The PTA has many volunteer opportunities available. *Boosterthon Fun Run- September 27 *Ice Cream Social- October 5 *Odyssey of the Mind Coaches *Copy Team *Carnival *Book Fair *Storybook Night Please see a board member or visit our website at millsparkpta.com for more information.
Thank you parents and caregivers for all your support!