Theta+ Analysis Updates [K-p mode] Theta+ & L* differential cross section - Rough estimations have been shown. (Theta+:~15 nb & L*: ~1 ub in total cross section) - L* isospin asymmetry is indicated. BG shape estimations needed for precise cross sections MC-based estimation: better for smaller samples & L* - KKp + KL* w/o phi & higher MKp tail has been shown at EINN. - off-shell correction was updated for new ntuple production. Remaining part of BG estimation will be shown. (not completed)
Off-shell correction Solid line : new correction [EN = MN – BE/2] Dashed line: original correction [EN = MN – BE – PS2/2MS] KKp MMd(g,K-p) KL* MMd(g,K-p) Differences are small but slightly sharper w/ new correction.
Inclusion of phi w/ LH2 data phi MC w/ realistic t-dependence and spin density matrix Energy & polar angle filters were obtained from LH2 Normalization in 1.000 < MKK < 1.040 GeV & cosKp < 0 Ecms dependence Kp dependence
Consistency with LH2 data 1.400 - 1.700 GeV : chi2 = 1.277, prob = 0.142 1.400 - 1.500 GeV : chi2 = 1.415, prob = 0.166 1.500 - 1.600 GeV : chi2 = 0.678, prob = 0.746 1.600 - 1.700 GeV : chi2 = 1.739, prob = 0.066
Application to LD2 data w/ phi Threshold improved by true MMd(g,K-p) at MC level > MK+ + Mn phi normalization improved in higher energies w/ cosKp < 0. Ecms<2.10 2.10<Ecms<2.18 2.18<Ecms<2.26 2.26<Ecms
Inclusion of MK-p tail w/ LD2 data No way to deduce from LH2 data ECMS, CMS(K-p), CMS(p), PCMS(p), PCMS(K-) dependences from LD2 data – KKp MC – KL* MC w/ MKK > 1.060 GeV These dependences were applied to non-resonant KKp MC with Fermi motion. [Note: It does not look that acceptance corrected MKK and MK-p distributions indicate KK or K-p resonances.]
Application to LD2 data w/ MKp tail Filters were made by using MKp>1.54 GeV
Consistencies in side bands M(K-p) < 1.50 GeV M(K-p) > 1.54 GeV
Inclusion of phi and MKp tail Ecms dependence of M(K-p) Ecms dependence of M(KK) Generally consistencies are good.
Over-estimation of MKp tail Solid line: (1.45<MKp<1.50+1.54<MKp<1.59)x0.4 Dashed line: KKp MC + MKp tail MC Note: phi and L* is not included. MMd(g,K-p) shape looks good but over-estimated.