More ideas for research projects Inspired by game technology Wouter van Toll
Examples of themes Simulation of... Fluids ( Soft bodies ( Flocks ( Cloth ( Bipeds with muscles ( ... Anything that moves by integration over time
Examples of topics Assuming a simulation is realistic: use it to answer “real-world” questions How much force can a bridge handle using different types of material? How high should impact be for the Earth to fly out of orbit?
Examples of topics 2. Compare different time integration schemes How does it affect precision/error? How does it affect computation time? 3. Compare different parameter settings Compare different implementations e.g. CPU versus GPU 5. Compare different spatial data structures e.g. for nearest-neighbor queires
Two approaches (at least) First choose a theme, then a topic First choose a topic, then a theme Pretty much any combination is valid Theme + topic research question
Research question In (e.g.) SIGGRAPH publications: “How can we simulate [...] realistically?” “How can we simulate [...] in real-time?” Too ambitious for your project ;) Common pattern for this course: “What is the effect of [...] on [...]?” But other options are allowed; discuss!