Workforce Planning at the U.S. Dept. of the Interior Tom Mulhern – Director, Human Resources Roger Slater – Senior Advisor September 17, 2013
Strategic Workforce Planning
Strategic Direction Tactical Execution Strategic Workforce Planning
Core Mission Strategic Alignment Workforce Analysis Risks and Gaps Tactical Operations
Risks Gaps Impact to core mission
Strategic Alignment Workforce Analysis Risk Mitigation and Gap Closure Strategies Develop Workforce Plan Implement, Monitor, Evaluate, Revise Workforce Planning Model
Staffing and Position Management Workforce Analysis: Supply and Demand Strategic Workforce Management Progression of Maturity
Strategic Workforce Planning Model Universal – Applicable regardless of organizations mission Flexible – Modify to current needs – change as required Adaptable – Not all organizations starting from same place
Workforce Planning Tools Core components of the methodology Include – User Guide Written in a guided inquiry format – Risk assessment Money, Work, Positions, People – Common data elements and analysis Demographics and risk assessments must be interpreted and lead to actions that sustain the business
Extreme ModerateSignificantSevere Very High ModerateSignificantHighSevere High ModerateSignificant High Medium LowModerateSignificant Low Moderate RareUnlikelyModerate Likely LikelyAlmost Certain Quantification of Risk IMPACTIMPACT PROBABILTY
Strategic Workforce Planning Risk Assessment Guided Inquiry Data and Analytics
Workforce Planning Risk by Total Succession Factor _______________________________________________________________________ Position Location Attr.Pos TSF Park Ranger GS Yellowstone 5525 Park Ranger GS Yellowstone 5525 Park Ranger GS Yellowstone4520 Park Ranger GS Yellowstone 4520
Negative value ( ) reflects shortage Positive value reflects surplus Gap Analysis Positions
TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE ExplicitImplicit rule-based Implicit know-howTacit know-howDeep tacit TRANSFER TACTICS Interviews Documentation Training Storytelling Mentoring/ Coaching AARs CoPs Ineffective Less Effective More Effective Very Effective
Workforce Planning Risk by Total Succession Factor _______________________________________________________________________ Position Location Pos Skill Park Ranger GS Yellowstone 55 Park Ranger GS Yellowstone 55 Park Ranger GS Yellowstone53 Park Ranger GS Yellowstone 53
Gap Analysis Skills
Action Steps ActionsDeliverables Start Date/ End Date Responsible Party (Parties) Budget, Resources, and Approvals Needed Increase under- represented groups in Park Ranger Restructure vacancies into Inspector Positions Maintain Institutional Knowledge in Geology Cloud Base Programing Training Hire for cloud based computing skill Conduct Outreach with Veteran Groups and utilize Schedule A when filling jobs to increase Veteran Employment by 5 % of total workforce Increase the total number of Inspectors by 7 positions in FY 14 Assign Mentors and develop an official knowledge management plan (KMP) outlining specific knowledge and methods used to transfer Contract with Service Provider to conduct on-site training for all IT personnel Perform Job Analysis to Identify skills commensurate with training and develop assessment 1 st Quarter of FY 14 Oct 2013/Sept 2014 October 2013/Sept 2014 October 2013/ March 2014 March 2013 HR and EEO and Hiring Manager Hiring Manager and HR Hiring Manager, HR, senior and subordinate staff HR/Staff Development and Hiring Manager Hiring Manager and HR Time commitment of 1 day per quarter for each participant No additional resources required 4 hours per pay period until KMP is completed Commit or reprogram $ 5000 in funds. Schedule coverage for attendees No additional resources required
Workforce Planning Strategies Diversify Park Ranger Population Expand Capacity of Inspectors without losing Institutional Knowledge Reorganize and Transform IT Services
Strategic Direction Tactical Execution Strategic Workforce Planning Data and Analytics Organizational Strategies -Right Size -Hiring Controls -Admin Efficiencies -Consolidate Services -Leverage Technology -Reengineer processes -Strategic Sourcing Human Capital Strategies -Retain -Develop/Retrain -Replace -Expand -Recruit -Re-deploy -Restructure -Engage Mission Challenges Risks Impact Actions/Deliverables - Strategic Recruitment - IDPs - Knowledge Mgmt. - Reorganization
Strategic Workforce Planning Management Level – Action Plans with Deliverables Organizational Level – Workforce Management Plan – Direction and Strategies reinforced by Action Plans
Strategic Alignment Workforce Analysis Risk Mitigation and Gap Closure Strategies Develop Workforce Plan Implement, Monitor, Evaluate, Revise Workforce Planning Model