ESTABLISHMENT OF NWRI AGENCY Report on Institutional options for managing national water resources infrastructure completed; Business case for the NWRI Agency completed; Cabinet approved proposal for Agency establishment by April 2008; Preparation of Agency Bill commenced; and Advisory Committee on Agency establishment appointed.
ESTABLISHMENT OF NWRI BRANCH Phase 1: Staff from former Chief Directorate: Development transferred to Branch (with effect from April 2005); Phase 2: High level organisational design completed to establish 4 Chief Directorates, i.e. Construction, Engineering Services, Operations and Business Management. Vacant manager posts advertised All functions related to development and operations of water resource infrastructure to be included in NWRI Branch.
BERG RIVER WATER PROJECT Franschhoek First Policy rolled out: Employment, procurement and training maximized for local communities. EMP implementation continued: Socio-economic strategies; Design guidelines; Environmental specifications; River monitoring programme; and Environmental monitoring.
BERG RIVER WATER PROJECT ACHIEVED (cont.): Socio-economic strategies: Public participation; Compensation & mitigation; Employment, training & procurement; Social monitoring; and Sustainable utilisation Plan. Construction progress: Advanced works (access roads, village works, housing) substantially complete; Rockfill placement – 70% complete; Intake tower – 65% complete; Spillway – 30% complete; and Supplement - 52% complete. Impounding of reservoir by June 2007.
Artist’s impression: Proposed De Hoop Dam Raising of Flag Boshielo dam Construction - 94% complete. Completion delayed by spillage after heavy late summer rain. ORWRDP 2A: De Hoop Dam Planning of dam complete; Land valuation – 80% complete; Draft EMPs – 80% complete; R555 design – 95% complete; Dam tender design – 85% complete; No construction yet, awaiting revised RoD. Artist’s impression: Proposed De Hoop Dam
Projected expenditure (R million) VRESAP Projected expenditure (R million) Actual cost to date : 607,626 Total Project Cost : 2 491,200 The project fully funded from financial markets. Achieved: Supply and install steel pipes - 60% complete; Supply and install mechanical, electrical and civil structures - 60% complete Project to be completed by October 2007
Focus areas Ensure provision of sustainable basic water supply and sanitation for improved quality of life and poverty alleviation Ensure effective and sustainable delivery of water services to underpin economic and social development Ensure effective water services institutions Ensure effective local level operations and management of water services schemes To promote and support sound policy and practice of water services to achieve water services and sanitation Millenium Development Goals and WSSD targets in Africa
Water Backlog reduced by approximately 1 million people (target: 1,5 million) R 1,6 billion allocated to sector through MIG program (target R2 billion) 299 schools provided with water Sanitation Backlog reduced by 200 000 households (target 300 000 households) R1.1 billion allocated through MIG program (target R1,6 billion) 35 108 buckets replaced (target 476 000 households) 2041 schools provided with sanitation (target 100% of schools) National Sanitation Task Team is functioning and is well represented Health and hygiene strategy developed in collaboration with sector partners, submitted to Department of Health for approval Curriculum aligned educational resource materials for grades R – 9 developed, and piloted to 90 schools countrywide. To be rolled out to more schools next year Deployed 21 engineers to needy municipalities
74 % of people served with free basic water (target 78%) Free Basic Sanitation Strategy developed and submitted to the Minister for approval 154 WSAs supported in the development and amendment of WSDPs Draft guideline developed to support provinces in development of provincial water sector plans 7 out of 9 provinces developed provincial water sector plans Gender strategy and training programme developed – to be rolled out in 2006/7
Water summits: 9 provincial summits held Recommendations from summits incorporated into provincial sector plans to be implemented in 2006/7 Education programme in schools Education programme very successful Five learners received bursaries from DWAF to study careers in water sector. (Two are studying engineering) Represented South Africa in international forums and won international prize Launched one stop shop and piloted in 7 regions that will enable the municipalities to call for support
Developed framework for DWAF local government support plan to be incorporated into the DPLG 5 year plan Signed Memorandum of Collaboration with 7 Provincial Departments of Education Conducted municipal needs assessment to determine support requirements
Transfers of water schemes to WSAs 48 agreements signed, remaining 10 to be finalised in 2006/7 332 water schemes transferred Memorandum of Understanding still to be signed by Unions Plan to resolve challenges around staff transfers targeting Eastern Cape and Limpopo being developed Audits commenced in the year under review and reasonable progress made Refurbishment progress reports completed and submitted on quarterly basis to DWAF
Institutional performance 47 % of municipalities meet service quality performance indicators (target: 50% WSAs functioning effectively) 64 Water Services Authorities signed off the checklists and ready for publication 112 Water Service Authorities completed section 78 (1) Drinking Water Quality Management Developed drinking water quality management system and fully operational in Free State 55 % of Water Service Authorities achieved acceptable standards and submitting monthly reports Deployed six interns to Water Services Authorities to strengthen capacity
Key Challenges Insufficient engagement with provincial political leadership and IGR structures Inadequate funding to meet targets Capacity constraints at local government level Existing collaboration structures are currently excluding water resources Infrastructure asset management Reporting by municipalities on non financials ( actual service delivery) Behind in eradicating backlog in schools
Recommendations Develop a strategy to speed up service delivery in collaboration with sector departments Scale up capacity of DWAF to support local government through the restructuring process Strengthen intergovernmental relations Prioritize and resource local government support