Starter, Exam Practice: Outline the Clinical Characteristics of Depression (5 marks) To be diagnosed with _________ depression, a person must display a persistent ______ mood for at least two ________, and ______ other symptoms including sleep disturbance, weight gain or loss, loss of _________, loss of interest in pleasure activities, difficulty in making decisions, excessive _______for real or imagined deeds, and thoughts of or specific plan or attempt at __________. It is useful to see how depression affects the whole person, and the symptoms can be separated into four categories . _______(sadness, anxiety etc), ______________(pessimism, guilt etc), ___________(low energy, crying, neglect of personal appearance) and ____________(disturbed appetite, constipation, sleep disturbance etc.)
Approaches to Depression What do you remember from Psychopathology? Discuss and write on wall boards How would the following approaches explain and treat depression? Behaviourist/Social learning Cognitive Psychodynamic Biological Extension- Evaluation points?
Today Explanations- Biological Wednesday and Thursday- Treatments Next week- Psychological explanations and treatments
Quiz- Genetics and depression Pick a number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Question 1 What does predisposition mean?
2 Does biological closeness impact depression? Explain
3 Which gene is linked to depression? H5tt 5Htt TH5
4 Why is the gene 5-HTT linked to depression?
5 Whom might be the participants in studies into Genetics and depression?
6 Why are twin studies preferable to family studies? P2
7 What is a concordance rate?
8 Allen et al (1976) reviewed studies and found the following concordance rate Mz 40% Dz 11% What does this suggest?
9 If adoption studies show that adopted individuals who were biological related to sufferers were 7 times more likely to have suffered depression. What does this suggest?
10 Concordance rates are not 100% for MZ twins. What does this suggest? P4
Research Read the abstract from Kendler et al 2006 Write a conclusion
Conclusions: In the largest sample to date, lifetime major depression was moderately heritable, with estimates similar to those in prior studies. In accord with some but not other previous investigations, this study suggests both that the heritability of major depression is higher in women than in men and that some genetic risk factors for major depression are sex-specific in their effect. No evidence was found for differences in the roles of genetic and environmental risk factors in major depression in the birth cohorts spanning nearly six decades.
Biochemical Explanations Neurotransmitters Watch the clip Complete activity P4
Now watch this clip Note discussion that supports our explanations Note down any challenges for the explanations
Each table will be given an evaluation point. In pairs you must create a fully developed evaluation paragraph using the burger sheets and point you have been given. You will be have 5 minutes to do this. Time’s up! Place your ‘burger’ sheets in the middle of the table Do the same again.
Evaluation Examples of any explanations covered so far Challenges to/ Additional explanations
Deadline- Thursday 3rd March 830 Wednesday I am not here Group research and presentation on a Biological treatment and evaluation of treatment Include an activity and/or a handout for the group Tricyclics (TCA) SSRI’s ECT Make sure you have answered the pack questions Deadline- Thursday 3rd March 830