1 Vocabulaire 8.3 Français II
2 Si on allait... ? How about going... ?
3 Si on achetait... ? How about buying... ?
4 Si on visitait... ? How about visiting... ?
5 Si on jouait... ? How about playing... ?
6 Daccord. OK.
7 Cest une bonne idée. Thats a good idea.
8 Bof. (expression of indifference)
9 Comme tu veux. Its up to you.
10 Non, je préfère.... No, I prefer....
11 Non, je ne veux pas. No, I dont want to.
12 un maquis a popular Ivorian outdoor restaurant
13 un masque a mask
14 une mosquée a mosque
15 un pagne a 2½-meter piece of Ivorian cloth used to make skirts, shirts, head wraps, or baby slings
16 un panier a basket
17 des poteries (f.) pottery
18 un tam-tam an African drum des tam-tam (NO –s!)
19 du tissu some fabric, cloth
20 Note culturelle (p. 235) Abidjan is Côte dIvoires main city, although in 1983 the political capital was officially transferred to Yamoussoukro, the birthplace of former president Félix Houphouët- Boigny.
21 Note culturelle (p. 235) As Abidjans population has grown from just a few hundred thousand to over 2 million today, so has its diversity.
22 Note culturelle (p. 235) Now you can see modern skyscrapers and European-style office buildings in the Plateau and Cocody regions as well as traditional African-style marketplaces in Treichville.
23 Note culturelle (p. 235) Known as the melting pot of Africa, Abidjan is home to many people from Côte dIvoires 60 different ethnic groups.