International Aerospace Ltd Your one stop resource for Certification, Engineering, Design and Consulting
Services We Provide Certification Engineering Design Consulting The generated engineering and design data has to be in compliance with the applicable certification criteria that we both prepare before starting and verify after completion of the data. Certification We specialize in engineering documents used for the certification of products parts and components. We provide these documents for you at a wholesale cost. Engineering We have the capacity to provide drawing services to generate drawings or 3D models to support the engineering documents. Design We can also offer help to develop customized solutions to a myriad of in house needs particularly in: Certification Management & Configuration Management Consulting
Certification & Verification We can provide comprehensive certification support before during and after a projects starts, and have extensive experience in generating TCs, STCs, TSOs, & ETSOs packages. We also have a seasoned work experience with a large contingent of authorities such as; FAA, EASA, TCCA, Aruba, Bermuda, The Caiman Islands, Isle of Man, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabian Authorities. The most common types of documents needed are; Compliance Checklists Project Certification Plans Modification Classification Reports Compliance Assessment Reports Configuration Reports Weight & Balance Reports Equipment Lists Just to name a few. Design Engineering Certification & Verification
Engineering & Design TC / STC / TSO The core of our activity is to provide data production support for your engineering and certification office. The typical documents that we provide are Test Plan & Test Reports Analysis & Differential Analysis Reports Substantiations & Comparisons Reports Interface Load Reports Calculations Reports Sustained Engine Imbalance Reports Engineering Orders Service Bulletins Service Letters & Instructions A new feature we launched this year is the ability to offer design data production to further improve our assistance to our clients needs, this gives us the ability to not only produce documents but also the associated drawings necessary to create a complete data package. TC / STC / TSO Certification Engineering Design
Consulting The consulting activities are performed and or managed personally, and in specific cases may include additional persons of the organization depending on the specific need of the project. The range of services is Certification management or establishment of Organizations such as DOA, POA, and MOA. We are also able to provide help in configuration management by establishing guidelines and programs, or trouble shooting existing systems, and develop and or implement programs that have been established. DOA MOA POA
How We Work For You Our activities are a seamless plug-in to your Certification and Engineering office, directly connecting you with our desired end result. We are an easily accessible resource that works as a cloud process of your company, preserving your internal assets while dynamically expanding your man-hour capacity, reducing overall operating cost. We can insure that all documents that we produce such as test plans, reports, substantiations, and analysis, meet the certification requirements of your project. Our know-how encompasses general, corporate, and commercial aviation aircraft and engines, no matter how small or large our clients’ needs are we can help. Based on our thirty years of experience in all aspects of aviation related activities, we can provide a comprehensive range of assistance in all of your certification and engineering related needs.
The Interactive Process Whether we are to support individual items or provide complete turn-key certification solutions; we are there for you, by your side and ready to help. All of our activities are applied as a seamless plug-in extension of your certification or engineering office. We tailor our services to the specific needs of our clients and provide as much or as little support as the project requires. Whether we are to manage a complete certification process or simply a portion thereof, such as producing individual documents, we are here to help. IA Client Engineering TC STC TSO ETSO Document Control & Verification Certification Project Certification Plan Compliance Check List Modification Classification Certification Compliance Report Weight & Balance Report Equipment list Test Plan & Reports Substantiations & Analysis Reports Comparisons & static Reports Interface loads & SEI Calculations & Reports Static Electrical Fire Hydraulics Pneumatics Environmental Drawings 3D Models Engineering Order Service Bulletin Service Letter
Team Composition 20 Stress 2 Thermodynamics 2 Hydraulics 6 Aerodynamics 7 Electrical 12 Documentation Writer 1 Electronics 2 Avionics 2 Fuel 27 Mechanical 2 Software 6 Cabin Interior 2 Pneumatics 5 Systems 2 Fire 1 Prototyping & Fabrication 16 Certification
Scope Of Capabilities Aircraft Spacecraft Consulting
Our International Team