Creating a High Performance Leadership Style Dr. Tony Alessandra The DISC Platinum Rule Creating a High Performance Leadership Style
Behaviors to Monitor... Verbal Vocal Visual
Conscientious Dominance Steadiness Influence Four Core Styles Conscientious Dominance Steadiness Influence
When You are the D Allow others to do things without excessive interference Participate in the group without expecting always to be in command Modify your tendency to give orders Praise/give credit for jobs well done When delegating, give authority along with the responsibility
When You are the I Improve your follow-through efforts Write things down and work from a list, so you'll know what to do and when to do it Prioritize activities and focus on tasks in their order of importance Get the less appealing tasks of the day over with early in the day Pay attention to your time management
When You are the S Stretch by taking on more/different duties beyond your comfort level Speed up your actions by getting into some projects more quickly Desensitize yourself so you aren't negatively affected by your colleagues' feelings Adapt more quickly to changes or refinements of existing practices Bolster your assertiveness with others
When You are the C Modify your criticism (whether spoken or unspoken) of others' work Check only the critical things (as opposed to everything) Engage in more water cooler interaction You can have high standards without expecting perfection Tone down the tendency to OVER-prepare
Style Adaptability Task Relationship Slower Faster
When Managing D’s Help them learn to… More realistically gauge risks Exercise more caution and deliberation before making decisions Follow rules, regulations and expectations Recognize and solicit others' contributions Tell others the reasons for decisions
When Managing C’s Help them learn to… Share their knowledge and expertise Stand up for themselves with the people they prefer to avoid Shoot for realistic deadlines Keep on course with tasks, with less checking Maintain high expectations for high priority items, not necessarily everything
When Managing S’s Help them learn to… Utilize shortcuts; discard unnecessary steps Avoid doing things the same way Become more open to risks and changes Speak up; voice their thoughts and feelings Modify the tendency to do what others tell them
When Managing I’s Help them learn to… Prioritize and organize See tasks through to completion Write things down Focus on what's important now Avoid procrastination and/or hoping others will do things for them
Job Compared to style 12 DISC Style Relationships Compared to Benchmark
12 DISC Relationships Defined
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