3. Monitoring based on official sources and administrative data PROJECT financed under Phare NCDTVET-PIU EUROPEAN UNION MoERY 3. Monitoring based on official sources and administrative data Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support PHARE TVET RO2006/018- Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support PHARE TVET RO2006/018-
Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support CONTENT PROJECT financed under Phare NCDTVET-PIU EUROPEAN UNION MoERY What is monitoring? Monitoring process How to run the monitoring process? 1st Phase: Basic data collection 2nd Phase: Monitoring visit 3rd Phase: Advisory group panel Monitoring report Expected results of monitoring Check list for TA local expert Annex 1 Basic facts questionnaire for REAP Annex 2 Structured questionnaire for monitoring Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support PHARE TVET RO2006/018-
1st Phase: Basic data collection PROJECT financed under Phare NCDTVET-PIU EUROPEAN UNION MoERY 1st Phase: Basic data collection Collecting the objectives and indicators with the basic facts questionnaire (BFQ) Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support PHARE TVET RO2006/018-
Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support PROJECT financed under Phare NCDTVET-PIU EUROPEAN UNION MoERY Collecting the objectives and indicators with the basic facts questionnaire (BFQ) According to the manual for TVET REAP and LEAP strategic planning document there is a standard content of the structure of REAP. It includes the elements which form the structure of the basic facts questionnaire BFQ. Each paragraph of educational plan includes the conclusions about the theme in concern as well as their implications to TVET. There are set the several objectives/priorities for implementation of plan. Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support PHARE TVET RO2006/018-
Facts to be collected to BFQ from the REAP PROJECT financed under Phare NCDTVET-PIU EUROPEAN UNION MoERY Facts to be collected to BFQ from the REAP 1. Demography Conclusions from the Demographic Analysis. Implications for TVET -> objective 1 -> indicators 2. Regional Economic Profile Conclusions following the Regional Economic Analysis. Implications for TVET -> objective 2 -> indicators 3. Labour Market Conclusions following the Labour Market Analysis. Implications for TVET -> objective x -> indicators 4.Technical and Vocational Education in the Region Main Conclusions following Regional TVET Analysis 5. Contribution of Higher Education to Regional Development Proposed actions 6. Summary of the Main Conclusions and Recommendations for the Measure Plan 7. Proposed Actions Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support PHARE TVET RO2006/018-
Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support PROJECT financed under Phare NCDTVET-PIU EUROPEAN UNION MoERY These are the facts which should be collected from the REAP/LEAP to BFQ. Thus BFQ forms the database for the objectives and their indicators to be monitored. In some cases it might be hard to identify from thematic paragraph conclusions the objectives and their indicators. In these cases the paragraphs number 8 and 9 Summary of the Main Conclusions and Recommendations and Proposed Actions (depending on plan the numbers/names can be different) should contain the objectives of the plans. Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support PHARE TVET RO2006/018-
RC secretary and TA local expert PROJECT financed under Phare NCDTVET-PIU EUROPEAN UNION MoERY Basic facts from REAP are taken in a meeting of RC The dates of these meetings are -> TA local expert collects the data to BFQ with RC secretary with the help of other members of RC Session 1: 03rd of December 2008; Braila Session 2: 05th of December 2008; Iasi Session 3: 08th of December 2008; Brasov Session 4: 10th of December 2008; Timisoara Session 5: 12th of December 2008; Targoviste Session 6: 15th of December 2008; Cluj Session 7: 17th of December 2008; Craiova Session 8: 19th of December 2008; Bucharest Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support PHARE TVET RO2006/018-