Concepts to Review for Midterm Some Key Ideas
Structure of the Midterm Multiple Choices Short questions Case studies The exam will be open books and notes You will have 2 hours to take the midterm. There will be a 15 minute break after the midterm. Then we will discuss article review issues and any other outstanding issues. Who knows may be we can get out early?
Chapter 1 Evidence-based inquiry What does it mean for qualitative research? What does it mean for quantitative research? What are some of the limitations of research? What is the research process?
Chapter 2 What are the different types of experimental designs? What do they entail? What are the different types of non-experimental designs? When are they appropriate? What is the value of mixed-methods design? What kind of caution needs to be practiced when thinking of mixed-methods design?
Chapter 2 What does triangulation mean? When is it done? Why is it appropriate? Know the basic parts of both the quantitative and qualitative research reports How can you tell if a research is quantitative or qualitative? What is the purpose of research? How do you ensure accuracy in research?
Chapter 3 Know the continuum on research and be able to use it in problems – what are the assumptions of reality in the continuum? Identify various sources of information that can be considered empirical Given a research topic, you should be able to generate a qualitative research question and a quantitative one Know the different purposes of qualitative and quantitative research
Chapter 3 Independent and dependent variables – know how to recognize these variables in a research context Know the different questions you can ask quantitatively i.e. descriptive, relational, and difference What are the goals of qualitative research? What are the different forms of data collection in qualitative research?
Chapter 3 What are the different types of qualitative research? What is the process of qualitative research? What are subjectivities? How are participants selected in qualitative research? How are data analyzed in qualitative research? What are the values of research?
Chapter 12 Given a research topic, you should be able to design a qualitative research study incorporating a research purpose, at least two research questions, sample selection, criteria for such selection, site of research, and a timeline for your study What might be some risks associated with a study?
Chapter 12 What are the different ways do people ensure that there would be academic rigor and trustworthiness in qualitative research? What might be some risks associated with a study? What is reflexivity? Why is this useful in research? What is the value of multimethods approach in qualitative research?
Chapter 13 Know the different types of interviews and which might be appropriate for your study What are some of the strategies of interviews? How are they helpful?
Chapter 14 What is inductive analysis? What is the process of inductive analysis? How do you organize and manage qualitative data? How do you make assertions about your qualitative study?
Chapter 6 What is the role of variability in quantitative research? What are the different types of sampling and their advantages and disadvantages? Under what conditions are these sampling strategies used? What is validity? What are some of the threats to internal validity? What are some of the threats to external validity?
Chapter 6 Know all the different types of validity and the role they play in research. What do you need to worry about in terms of ensuring your study is valid? What would be some of the ethical considerations when designing a study?