College Prep Period Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Heroes College Prep Period Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Connecting to Your Prior Knowledge What do you think a hero is? Think-Pair-Share Share with your elbow partner.
Directions Students: Please turn to the College Prep/Notes section on page 39 in your agenda and copy the definition of “hero” skipping a line. As you go through the definition of hero, mark key qualities as they appear and write their meanings. Discuss each quality and examples of how you can exhibit them.
Agenda page 39 A hero is _________________________ (take notes from the next slide)
for the better of the majority Definition: hero a person who is admired by others who, in the face of pressure, displays courage and self-sacrifice for some greater good of all humanity. respected, liked a force or stressful demand ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger, and uncertainty. putting others before self for the better of the majority the human race
Military service members Teachers: Please draw a circle map on the board and fill it in with your students. Your parents Cesar Chavez HEROES Who do you consider to be a hero? Firefighters Military service members Teachers, e.g. Mr. G
Nick Vujicic – Get Up, Don’t Give Up Click the following link for the video
Quick Write Think about the definition of a hero. How can you be a hero to others? What are some things you can do to exhibit the qualities and traits of a hero?