September 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.15-10-767r1 September 2010 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [IEEE 802.18 Liaison Report to IEEE 802.15] Date Submitted: [15 September 2010] Source: [John R. Barr] Company [JRBarr, Ltd.] Address [21939 Old Farm Road, Deer Park, IL 60010 USA] Voice:[+1 847-962-5407], FAX: [], E-Mail:[] Re: [] Abstract: [Summary of items being addressed in 802.18 RRTAG during the September meeting.] Purpose: [Inform 802.15 members of items that may need their attention.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd. John R. Barr, JRbarr, Ltd.
September RR TAG Items 18-10-0058-00-0000-submission-to-wp-5a-m2m.docx doc.: IEEE 802.15-10-767r1 September 2010 September RR TAG Items 18-10-0058-00-0000-submission-to-wp-5a-m2m.docx Input towards working documents on Objectives and requirements for mobile wireless access systems for communications to a large number of ubiquitous sensors and/or actuators scattered over wide areas in the land mobile service Submission from 802.16 regarding their new PARs (802.16p-M2M and 802.16n-Smart Grid) 802.15.4g may want to include information about their task group for completeness. John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd. John R. Barr, JRbarr, Ltd.
Update to 802.16 ITU Submission September 2010 Update to 802.16 ITU Submission References to Smart Grid were removed: Inclusion of 802.16n did not directly correspond to the M2M topic Additional editorial corrections were made 18-10-0058-03-0000-submission-to-wp-5a-m2m.docx Additional inputs to the ITU are being prepared for the May 2011 ITU WP5A meeting. John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd.
September 2010 Joint 802.11ad/.15.3c Submission 15-10-0760-00-0000-IEEE802 input to Update to 15-10-569r1 approved in San Diego that was not accepted by RR TAG Working with 802.11ad to ensure that the proposed joint submission gets approved this week. Discussion at joint meeting Wednesday PM1 and RR TAG Thursday AM2. John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd.
September 2010 Motion Approve 15-10/760r0 as joint submission to RR TAG as response to “Report and a Recommendation on Multiple Gigabit Wireless Systems (MGWS) operating around 60 GHz”. Moved: John Barr Second: Shu Kato John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd.
Updates to ITU 60 GHz Submission September 2010 Updates to ITU 60 GHz Submission Inclusion of AV OFDM modulation Tables provided by James Gilb were included in the submission During the joint TGad/15.3c session, additional editorial errors were corrected and the updated spectral mask for TGad replaced the old mask (minor). Cover letter added during RR TAG session. John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd.
September 2010 Motion That WG chair support approval in the EC of the following RR TAG documents as submission to ITU Working Party 5A (Working Group 5A5): 18-10-0063-00-0000-submission-to-wp-5a-lms-mgws2-report-60-ghz.doc 18-10-0064-00-0000-submission-to-wp-5a-lms-mgws1-60-ghz-recommendation.doc Moved: John Barr Second: John R. Barr, JRBarr, Ltd.