Week 1 Wednesday Big lecture (10 minute) Jiaxin Xu (Samantha) February 22, 2017
Note-taking discussion How to take fast notes? Symbols: Abbreviations: Shanghai > SH Hong Kong >HK Eg. Ie for example Ppl r/t = relationship b/t = between Btw
Listen to the 10-minute lecture Listen and take notes Listen to the 10-minute lecture Use symbols and abbreviations to take fast notes
The lecture can be divided into 5 main parts. What are they? Opening Question The lecture can be divided into 5 main parts. What are they? Opening Air pollution urban area Cause of sulfur SO2 (sulfur dioxide) forming acid rain (4-steps) Effects/ problems Solution of urban forest
I will re-play the lecture part by part. Listen for details I will re-play the lecture part by part. Try to answer the details questions on the projector.
what are two main areas he will cover today? Harmful gas Trees Lecture Opening 35’ what are two main areas he will cover today? Harmful gas Trees
Air pollution in Urban places 2’13 Why are “urban places” important for air pollution? Big ppl: world ppl 6 bil, 50% city >3 bil city ? Impt Ppl affect by ap, also cause ap
What is a main pollutant? Where is it from? Sulfur dioxide SO2 Cause What is a main pollutant? Where is it from? Sulfur dioxide SO2 fuels: burn for heat E.g oil coal
What are the four steps of forming the acid rain? Process of Acid rain 3’31 What are the four steps of forming the acid rain? 1 fuel w/s > release in air 2 S+ o2 (air) > so2 3 So2 + water > sulfuric acid + gas > sulfate 4 sulfuric acid + water > acid rain Env land water
What are the effects of air pollution on people and the environment?
Small forest (parks, schools) What are some benefits of trees? What is “urban forest”? Small forest (parks, schools) What are some benefits of trees? 1st sponge, absorb pollutants 2nd stay cooler, Shades Only 3 trees , reduce AC $$$ 15% Beijing, China; Dublin, Ireland; Mexico City, Mexico Discuss in a pair or group of 3.
Where to find the big lecture video? Last page on Lecture Ready 2 textbook Username + password
Homework Due Thursday LR 2 chapter 6 vocabulary worksheets Due Friday study the “grammar and terminology” worksheet AND the “compound and complex sentence slides” (course website). Prepare for a game on Friday.