INSPIRE & Art.17/12 reporting


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Presentation transcript:

INSPIRE & Art.17/12 reporting EXPERT GROUP ON REPORTING UNDER THE NATURE DIRECTIVES 16th Meeting: 16 March 2015, Brussels INSPIRE & Art.17/12 reporting Sabine Roscher ETC/BD

Background Inspire Inspire Directive establishes infrastructure for spatial information in Europe to support the EU environmental policies Key components are technical implementing rules Relevant for Articles 17&12 reporting are data specifications1 for ‘Biogeographical regions’ ‘Species distribution’ ‘Habitats and Biotopes’ [1]

Recent workshop INSPIRE & Reporting Workshop ‘INSPIRE MIG-P/MSCPs and Reporting under environmental acquis’ in January 2015 Pilots for reporting under WFD, MSFD and air quality but no pilot is foreseen for Nature Directives

Proposal for a ‘virtual’ group linking Inspire with Art17&12 reporting The nominated experts would test the Inspire data specifications for ‘habitats and biotopes’ and ‘species distribution’ compile findings of the testing prepare and attend online meetings; if absolutely needed, one or two physical meetings could be held support the revision of the articles 17 & 12 reporting guidelines for the spatial data by providing comments to drafts

Expected outcome ‘Wanted’ The expected outcome of the work is a draft guideline for the delivery of the habitats and species distribution maps for the articles 17 & 12 reporting. This draft would be further discussed by the Expert Group on Reporting. ‘Wanted’ Volunteers with knowledge in Implementation of services for the Inspire Annex III themes ‘species distribution’ and ‘habitat and biotopes’ Preparation of the species and habitats distribution and range maps for the Article 17 & 12 reporting