THE SUCCESSOR STRATEGY Adapt to Changing Circumstances (Climate change, SDG’s) Need to Rethink Implementing Learned Lessons, Improving the Old One, Righting the Wrongs End of Old One WHY NEW STRATEGY?
THE SUCCESSOR STRATEGY Key Strategic Action Indicators Outcomes A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 D1 D2 D3 E1 E2 E3 E4 Key Resul t Area A B C D E Mission Statement Theme C
THEME Economic and Social Transformation for the Benefit of All
MISSION STATEMENT Achieving Middle Income Status by Enabling Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Key Sectors, Promoting Human Capital Development, Providing Quality Services for All , Attaining Environmental Sustainability and Adhering to Good Governance Principles
KEY RESULT AREA A: Enabling Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Key Sectors
Promoting Human Capital Development KEY RESULT AREA B: Promoting Human Capital Development
Providing Quality Services for All KEY RESULT AREA C: Providing Quality Services for All
Attaining Environmental Sustainability and Climate Resilience Key RESULT area d: Attaining Environmental Sustainability and Climate Resilience
Adhering To Good Governance Principles KEY result AREA E: Adhering To Good Governance Principles
Enabling Sustainable And Inclusive Growth In Key Sectors KEY RESULT AREA A: Enabling Sustainable And Inclusive Growth In Key Sectors Outcome a1: A Conducive Business Environment Attained to Allow the Private Sector to Thrive Responsibly and Create Descent Work for Women and Men
Enabling Sustainable And Inclusive Growth In Key Sectors KEY RESULT AREA A: Enabling Sustainable And Inclusive Growth In Key Sectors Outcome a2: Targeted and Sufficient Public Investment to Support Infrastructure and Other Important Growth Enablers
KEY RESULT AREA A: Enabling Sustainable And Inclusive Growth In Key Sectors Outcome a3: A Competitive Tourism and Hospitality Sector Which Provides Sustainable and Inclusive Benefits to Zanzibaris and Capitalise upon Zanzibar’s Cultural Heritage
KEY RESULT AREA A: Enabling Sustainable And Inclusive Growth In Key Sectors OUTCOME A4: Modernised Production Sectors in Agriculture, Agro-industry and Manufacturing Sectors to Increase the Value and Volume of Trade
A Vibrant Private Sector is Developed KEY RESULT AREA A: Enabling Sustainable And Inclusive Growth In Key Sectors OUTCOME A5: A Vibrant Private Sector is Developed
KEY RESULT AREA A: Enabling Sustainable And Inclusive Growth In Key Sectors OUTCOME A6: An Improved Social Protection Scheme Aimed at Promoting Inclusive Economic Growth and Reducing Vulnerability to Economic Shocks
KEY RESULT AREA B: Promoting Human Capital Development Outcome b1: Increased Employability Through Skills Development of Youth, Women and Men in Both Rural and Urban Areas
Promoting Human Capital Development KEY RESULT AREA B: Promoting Human Capital Development Outcome b2: Enhanced Entrepreneurial Capacity of Youth, Women and Men for Generating Meaningful Self-employment Opportunities
Providing Quality Services For All KEY RESULT AREA C: Providing Quality Services For All Outcome c1: Improved Access To Quality Health and Sanitation Services and Safe and Clean Water, and Mitigated Burden of Communicable (including HIV) and Non-Communicable Diseases
Providing Quality Services For All KEY RESULT AREA C: Providing Quality Services For All Outcome c2: Inclusive, Gender-Responsive and Equitable Access To Quality Education and Skills Training to Enhance Human Capacity for Sustaining National Development
Providing Quality Services For All KEY RESULT AREA C: Providing Quality Services For All Outcome c3: Increased Access to Decent and Affordable Housing, Improved Rational Land Use and Better Access to Energy
Providing Quality Services For All KEY RESULT AREA C: Providing Quality Services For All Outcome c4: Enhanced Prevention of and Response to Violence Against Women and Children .
Providing Quality Services For All KEY RESULT AREA C: Providing Quality Services For All Outcome c5: Enhanced National Capacity to Prepare and Respond to All Types of Emergencies (Natural, Health and Man-made) in a Timely and Effective Manner
Providing Quality Services For All KEY RESULT AREA C: Providing Quality Services For All Outcome c6: Attained National and Household Food Security and Nutrition and Right to Food for All.
Attaining Environmental Sustainability and Climate Resilience Key RESULT area d: Attaining Environmental Sustainability and Climate Resilience Outcome d1: Improved Gender Responsive Adaptation and Mitigation Measures to Protect Against Threats of Climate Change
Attaining Environmental Sustainability and Climate Resilience Key RESULT area d: Attaining Environmental Sustainability and Climate Resilience Outcome d2: Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems Protected and Restored and Reduced Biodiversity Loss (Sustainable Use of Marine and Terrestrial Resources)
Attaining Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Resilience Key RESULT area d: Attaining Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Resilience Outcome d3: Environmental Degradation Prevented and Reduced Social Risk of Economic Activities
Adhering To Good Governance Principles KEY result AREA E: Adhering To Good Governance Principles Outcome E1: Governance Systems and Structures are Accountable, Transparent and Corruption-free
Adhering To Good Governance Principles KEY result AREA E: Adhering To Good Governance Principles Outcome E2: Attainment of Gender Equality and Equity, Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Women, Girls, Youths, People with Disabilities and People in Vulnerable Situations
Adhering To Good Governance Principles KEY result AREA E: Adhering To Good Governance Principles Outcome E3: Increased Access to Justice, Respect for the Rule of Law, Adherence to Basic Human Rights and Greater Participation in the Democratic Process
Outcome E4: Responsible Corporate Governance Ensured. KEY result AREA E: Adhering To Good Governance Principles Outcome E4: Responsible Corporate Governance Ensured.
Adhering To Good Governance Principles KEY result AREA E: Adhering To Good Governance Principles Outcome E5: Enhanced Mainstreaming of Population and Urban Issues in the Development of Zanzibar
EDUCATION SECTOR FOCUS RESULTS Education and Skills of Youths, Women and Men and People with Disabilities in Both Rural and Urban Areas match with the Labour Market Requirements Youths, Women, Men and People with Disabilities have entrepreneurial capacity to be engaged in meaningful self-employment All people have equal opportunities to universally acceptable standards of education and skills
THE SUCCESSOR STRATEGY Who to Do What? Means of Implementation From Where, to Whom? Resource Mobilisation How and When? Monitoring and Evaluation
Ahsanteni Thank You!