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Reed Canary Grass Best Management Practices Seasonality (Goals: prevent seed set, kill rhizomes, spray when susceptible) Spring Fall Percent Cover Monoculture Patchy Treatment Method -when leaves 8-12” tall W W W W Chemical Options D D D D Plant Growth Regulators ? Long-term Care (Goals: prevent re-establishment, deplete RCG bank, native competition) Timeframe (How Long ?) Introduce Seed When ? Seasonality & Susceptibility
Seasonality Spring Fall Goals: prevent seed set, kill rhizomes, spray when susceptible Spring Fall
Percent Cover Monoculture Patchy Treatment Method when leaves 8-12” tall Monoculture Patchy
Percent Cover Monoculture W Patchy W D D W W D D Chemical Options Plant Growth Regulators ? (CCC-ethephon or Kinetin)
Long-term Care Timeframe (How Long ?) Introduce seed when ? Goals: prevent re-establishment, deplete RCG bank, native competition Timeframe (How Long ?) Introduce seed when ? Seasonality & Susceptibility
RCG Competition Mix on back Sedges, forbs, shrubs Modify to your liking 2nd sheet 2010 article (Spyreas et al.) “There are negative effects for multiple taxa from RCG invasion” Back of 2nd Sheet Management Guide: Recommendations for Landowners and Restoration Professionals Wisconsin Reed Canary Grass Management Working Group. 2009. Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea)