Mrs. Kane’s Classroom News January 28 – February 1, 2019 We had a busy week last week, with a great celebration to end 2nd Quarter. Students participated in our PBIS Celebration by teaming up with other grade levels for a friendly football themed competition. We also celebrated with Game Day to reward students who had ROGUS homework letters left over at the end of 2nd Quarter. I’m happy to say that every student in our class was able to participate! Our next homework incentive will be using the word SOAR. We’re now in 3rd quarter, with higher expectations of homework completion. I’m confident our class will continue this positive streak! As a reminder, please check the weather before kids head off to school. Warm weather gear will be necessary to enjoy outdoor recess. Students will go outside if the weather is above 30 degrees. Please be sure to have updated information in Power School so you can get up to the minute alerts about school closings due to weather. ELA- We are working on our next story, which goes along with our Social Studies unit on Westward Expansion. We’ll be reading the nonfiction story Sacagawea. This week our focus is on vocabulary development, story skills of Main Idea/Details, and writing. Students recently began a 5 paragraph writing topic using graphic organizers. They are really doing well in keeping their ideas organized, and elaborating using details. Science- We have started Module 3: Rock Patterns. We’ve discussed the vocabulary for this unit, and are now in the process of building background knowledge using various Non Fiction articles on rocks and fossils. There may be a short quiz on this information at the end of the week. As always, students are able to use their notes during a test/quiz. Math- We’re working on Chapter 4: Division. In the next few lessons, we will be practicing extensively with Long Division. Please make sure your child reviews their multiplication facts nightly- this will make the process of long division so much easier. In class we discuss different strategies that students can use to divide. We will now be focusing on the standard long division algorithm. January 30th- Report Card envelopes due February 1st – January Reading Tasks Due February 5/6th- 4th grade testing (students MUST have headphones for this assessment)