E - mail: dimitriy2004@inbox.ru Awareness about the health and risk factors and adherence to cardiovascular prevention over 28-year period in the open male population aged 25-44 years in Russia / Siberia E. Gromova1, D. Panov2, I. Gagulin2, A. Gafarova1, E. Krymov1, V. Gafarov2 1Collaborative laboratory of Cardiovascular Diseases Epidemiology SB RAMS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2NIITPM – branch of Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia E - mail: dimitriy2004@inbox.ru Complaints about the health Self-rated Health Insufficient care about the health Objective: To explore the dynamic of awareness and perception about the health over 28-year (1988 - 2016) in the open male population aged 25-44 years. Methods: Under the second screening of the WHO program MONICA random representative sample of men aged 25-64 years were surveyed in Novosibirsk (n=739; mean age 43.3±0.4 years). The response rate was 71.3%. Males aged 25-44 years were included in the study, only. And within V screening 2013-2016y (n=427 males aged 25-44; mean age 36,7±0,4 years, response −72%). Questionnaire MOPSY "Awareness and attitude towards the health" was used to estimate self-rated health, adherence towards cardiovascular prevention, behavioral lifestyle. Results: Over the period 1988-1989 yy till 2013-2016 yy number of males who believes that they are not completely healthy reduced from 45,2% to 34,9%, respectively; there was increasing of those who evaluates their health as "healthy" (37,5% and 39,3%, respectively) or "good health" (9,6% and 20,4%, respectively); at the same time there is marked growth of opinions like " their adherence to healthcare is not enough" from 45,3% to 66,6%, respectively; there was increasing in the number of men who believe that serious diseases can be avoided in advance would have taken preventive measures - 55.9% and 69.6%, respectively; and that modern medicine can prevent heart disease from 4.7% to 15.5%, respectively; modern medicine can treat all diseases from 3.8% to 29.8% of men, respectively. Men have become regularly checked by a doctor, from 4.5% to 7.5%, and seek medical care in case any pain or discomfort in the heart area from 13.3% to 29.6%, respectively. Men have become less trusting their well-being (from 43.1% to 28.9%, respectively), and have more trust in the doctor 22.7% and 30.8%, respectively. The number of people who continue to work if sick decreased from 58.1% to 38%, respectively; the number of those who complete the work and have a rest increased from 27.9% and 54.5%, respectively. Most men believed that a preventive health check is useful (II screening - 78.9%, V screening - 83.8%). Conclusion: We found the care about the health significantly is increased as the number who consider themselves healthy and trust in physicians in male population.