PRE-ROMANTIC AND ROMANTIC PERIOD (1751- 1837) Origin of the word romantic: from the French word “roman” referred to medieval epic sagas. Initially it meant “exaggerated, unconvincing” but later it took on a positive meaning and was used to describe the expression of personal feelings..
Literary background 1751: The poet Thomas Gray published “Elegy written in a country churchyard” which is considered a transitional poem with a neo-classical form and pre-romantic features (interest for nature, search for solitude).
Dates to remember 1760 – 1820 Reign of King George III 1775 Beginning of the American War of Independence 1789 Beginning of the French Revolution 1793 – 1815 British war with Napoleonic France > 1805 Battle of Trafalgar > 1815 Battle of Waterloo
Historical background 1770: Navigation Acts > All colonial trade must be on British ships colonial produce Great Britain (import) rest of the world British ships colonies (export)
Literary background 1770: In Germany, the young writers of the STURM UND DRANG movement (W. Goethe, J.G. Herder, F. Schiller) meet in Strasbourg. In their works they emphasize the uniqueness, freedom and creativity of the individual and the value of feelings and they regard Nature as Man's true spiritual environment. Friedrich Schiller Johann Gottfried Herder Wolfgang Goethe
Historical background «No taxation without representation» Boston Tea Party In Boston, rebels from the American colonies, dressed as Native Americans, throw into the harbour the cargo of tea coming from India on British ships. Boston Tea Party
Historical background 1775: Battle of Lexington > Beginning of the American War of Independence. The American rebels are supported by France. Battle of Lexington
Historical background 1776: On 4 July, in Philadelphia, the Congress signs the Declaration of Independence of the American ex – colonies. The text was written by Thomas Jefferson.
Historical background 1783: Treaty of Versailles > Britain recognises the independence of its former colonies. 1787: The 13 independent states which form the new republic adopt a Federal Constitution. George Washington becomes the first president of the United States on America. 1789: In France, the Revolution breaks out.
Literary background 1776: In France, the philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau uses the word “romantique” in his Discours sur l'origine de l'inégalitè and he puts forward his idea of the “noble savage”, who is good, free and happy because he is in contact with Nature. Jean Jacques Rousseau
Literary background 1798: In Germany, a group of German writers and philosophers from Jena (Schlegel, Novalis, Fichte, Schelling) found the cultural review ATHENAEUM in which they define the Romantic Movement in ideological and aesthetic terms. In England, the English poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, express the same ideals in a collection of poems, the LYRICAL BALLADS.
Literary background 1800: Wordsworth and Coleridge write a PREFACE to the second edition of the Lyrical Ballads in which they expound the basic principles of Romantic Poetry. This Preface is considered the manifesto of the Romantic Movement in Britain. Samuel Taylor Coleridge William Wordsworth
Literary background Lyrical Ballads The Power of Imagination The Power of Nature The Nostalgia for the past The Cult of childhood The Poet as a prophet The ordinary language The sublime
The Main Romantic Authors POETS 1st Generation of Romantic Poets : William Blake William Wordsworth Samuel Taylor Coleridge 2nd Generation of Romantic Poets: George Gordon Lord Byron Percy Bysshe Shelley John Keats
The Main Romantic Authors NOVELISTS Sir Walter Scott > (Historical Novel) Jane Austen > (Novel of Manners) Mary Shelley > (Gothic Novel)