Punctuation Marks
End Marks Period . Question Mark ? Exclamation Point !
Periods are used at the end of declarative sentences. at the end of imperative sentences. at the end of indirect questions. after initials and most abbreviations. after numbers or letters used in an outline. between numerals representing dollars and cents and before a decimal.
Periods and Declarative Sentences The Statue of Liberty is more than 150 feet tall .
Periods and Imperative Sentences Please board the boat carefully .
Periods and Indirect Questions An indirect question tells what someone asked. The teacher asked if anyone knew who wrote the poem .
Periods and Initials and Abbreviations Gov. James R. Thomas had a brilliant idea that would save the state millions of dollars.
Periods and Outlines I. Sports A. Team 1. Football 2. Baseball 3. Basketball 4. Volleyball B. Individual
Periods and Numbers Dollars and cents $13.64 $ 2.98 Decimal 3.14 .007
interrogative sentences. Question Marks are used at the end of interrogative sentences.
Question Marks Use a question mark at the end of an interrogative sentence. Why does the tail of a comet point away from the sun?
Exclamation Points are used at the end of exclamatory sentences. after interjections. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exclamation Points and Exclamatory Sentences An exclamatory sentence shows great emotion. What a great game! That’s terrific!
Exclamation Points and Interjections Whoops! Not Again! Super! Hurray! Zoom! Bang!