Year 4 2019 Summer Term
What happens to the food that we eat? Literacy Fiction – Play scripts Non-Fiction – Persuasive Texts Poetry – Exploring Forms Guided Reading - Wonder Decimals Money Time Statistics Properties of Shape Position and Direction Numeracy What happens to the food that we eat? Teeth Science
I.C.T. PSHE Geography History Art Is money important? Is it ok to feel this way? We are software developers We are Meteorologists I.C.T. Why is Manchester such a cool place to live? Geography History Who were the early law makers? Art 3D art using clay
R.E. Design & Technology P.E. Music Italian Journeys and pilgrimage – Judaism A look at the beliefs, stories and way of life for the Judaism religion. The digestive system – healthy and varied diet Design & Technology Athletics – Showing the Olympians how to do it and smashing our personal bests! Swimming – At Urmston leisure centre – basics and life saving skills. P.E. Music Body percussion and Sing Up. Speaking and listening – Practical activities for a wide range of key vocabulary. Italian