HeadTeacher Inverness high school John Rutter HeadTeacher Inverness high school
Options choice evening Curriculum presentation Talks from AspireNorth and UHI / Inverness College Questions and discussion
Inverness High School Positive Destinations 2017 Higher education 26.8% Further education 32.4% Mainly UHI / Inverness College Training 2.8% Employment 26.8% Positive Destinations 91.5% Unemployed seeking 2.8% Unemployed not seeking 5.6%
Start with the end-point in mind Academic – University (outside Inverness v UHI) Inverness college Vocational – Inverness college (other options) Apprenticeships – modern / foundation World of work – need for skills Gap year – plenty of volunteering opportunities
Academic University. – need for Highers / Advanced Highers and a Academic University – need for Highers / Advanced Highers and a strong personal statement Aspire North Working through the UHI system – HNC / HND / Degree
Vocational / Apprenticeships Foundation apprenticeships at UHI Modern apprenticeships with a very wide variety of employers e.g. administration, construction, engineering, ICT
World of work Work-based (modern) apprenticeships Essential skills Literacy and numeracy Communication skills Interpersonal skills Self-management skills Creativity and problem-solving
Curriculum for Excellence: Up to the end of S3 all pupils are entitled to a curriculum which helps them develop: literacy, numeracy and thinking skills essential skills and knowledge an understanding of society and their place in it an active and healthy lifestyle This is known as the broad general education.
The choice for the curriculum in S3 Core subjects – English, maths, physical education, religious and moral education, personal and social education At least one creative subject – art and design, creative industries, music, pe with leadership At least one science – biology, chemistry, physics At least one technology – computing science, food and hospitality studies, technology At least one social subject – geography, history, modern studies Plus two free choices from Languages (French and Spanish) plus all of the above There is no guarantee you will get all your choices – this depends on uptake and staffing
The Senior Phase From S4 to S6 all pupils are entitled to a senior phase of education so they can: specialise gain qualifications develop skills head towards a positive destination. The senior phase can include time spent in and out school to build up a “portfolio” of qualifications.
Senior phase qualifications National 3 / National 4 / National 5 Highers Advanced Highers Other qualifications
Other qualifications in the senior phase Other qualifications including: ASDAN SQA wider achievement awards Duke of Edinburgh award vocational skills for work courses courses provided by UHI
The curriculum in S4 Core subjects – English, maths (or applications of maths), physical education, personal and social education Plus four subjects from: There are also a large number of vocational pathways choices available from UHI / Inverness College There is no guarantee you will get all your choices – this depends on uptake and staffing Art and Design Biology Chemistry Computing Science Creative Industries Design and Manufacture Engineering Science French Geography Graphic Communication History Hospitality Modern Studies Music Physical Education Physics Practical Woodworking
The curriculum in S5 and S6 Core subjects - physical education and personal and social education (in S5) – plus a strong recommendation to continue with English or maths (or lifeskills maths) to obtain a national-level qualification S5 pupils will study five subjects; S6 pupils will study a minimum of four plus citizenship activities Similar choices to S4 plus: There may be options available for S6 to continue to advanced higher (either at IHS or elsewhere) There are also vocational pathways choices, online highers (S6), national progression awards and first-year degree level modules (S6) available from UHI / Inverness College There is no guarantee you will get all your choices – this depends on uptake and staffing Most pupils will get at least four of their top five choices Community Involvement Community Sports Leadership Engineering Skills Human Biology Lifeskills Cookery Media Personal Finance Award Practical Cake Craft Practical Woodworking The Edge Travel and Tourism
All pupils interviewed by Guidance teachers: Ongoing Information on subject choices to pupils: Today S3 course choice sheets handed in: 11 March S4/S5 course choice sheets handed in: 25 March S2 course choice sheets handed in: 25 February
Five important things to think about • What is my end-point? • Am I any good at the subject – is success likely? • Do I enjoy the subject? • Will it be useful for me in getting a job or going on to further / higher education or training? • Do my teachers (and guidance) think it will be good for me?
Four important things NOT to think about • My friends are all doing this subject • None of my friends are doing this subject • I don’t like my current teacher • I’ll do this one because I can’t think of anything else to do
Remember, before choices are made there is help available: • Notes on subjects available from departments • Discussions with subject teachers • Discussions with guidance teachers • Advice from senior management – please phone or email • Plenty of websites such as:
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