Rockin Racettes 5th grade
Kentwood, Michigan 42.8694° N, 85.6447° W
Hypothesis Ms.Racette’s Class will find at Paris Park in Kentwood Michigan, 65% of the same macro-invertebrates that other classrooms sampling fresh water around the world will find. About 35% of the Macroinvertebrate will be different due to: Climate Water Quality Habitat/Environment
Our Chart Macro-invertebrate found Mayfly nymph 19 Midge Larva 22 Mosguito Larva 34 Snail 32 Bristle Worm 9 Amphipod or Scand 13 Caddishly Larva Damselfly Nymph Daphnia or Water fleas 1,310 Dragonfly Nymph
Conclusion We will write our conclusion after comparing our results with other classrooms’ results.