April 2, 2019 You need: Warm Up: Clean paper / pencil Smiley face genetics project paper – due today! Genetic disorder project grade – due Friday Warm Up: Mental Math – be ready Can you figure out what this means?
Mental Math 1. ) fifteen times three equals
Mental Math 2. ) Forty two minus fifty equals
Mental Math 3.) What does DNA stand for?
Mental Math 4. ) 23 =
Mental Math 5.) $20 - $7.65 =
Smiley Face Genetics You should already have the genotype and phenotype of the offspring from you and your partner. We will hand that in – to be checked. You will draw out what it looks like for a second part of the project – by the end of class today!!
What is a karyotype? Try watching this Amoeba Sisters video to figure it out. Be ready to give a 3 sentence summary. Chromosomes and Karyotypes video link
XY – sex chromosomes Can you tell which ones are from Mom? No, but Mom gave one for each position. She gave you 23 chromosomes. Can you tell which ones are from Dad? No, but Dad gave one for each position. He gave you 23 chromosomes. But ONE of his chromosomes MIGHT have been a little shorter…the Y.
XY – sex chromosomes This karyotype is for a boy. How can you tell? How would it be different if it were a girl?
Trisomy 21 = Down Syndrome Trisomy 18 = Edwards Syndrome An extra chromosome at the 21st position = Trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome. Did you know there could be other disorders? Trisomy 21 = Down Syndrome Trisomy 18 = Edwards Syndrome Trisomy 13 = Patau Syndrome Unfortunately, not all of these disorders will produce an offspring that can survive. Many will die before birth – or within a short time after.
Can you spot the difference? Is this a boy or girl? This boy has trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome.
Weird Genetics: Mutants, Selective Breeding and Genetic Engineering…
A change in genetic information Mutations A change in genetic information Can occur randomly (naturally) Or can be deliberately caused in the laboratory by scientists Inherited Not always harmful (sometimes helpful, or make no difference at all!) http://www.accessexcellence.org/
Natural Mutations
Albino? Leucistic? Check the eyes.
White Bengal Tiger
ALBINOS Little or no pigmentation in the eyes, skin, and hair (or in some cases in the eyes alone). Inherited an altered copy of a gene that does not work correctly. The altered gene does not allow the body to make the usual amounts of a pigment called "melanin". True albinos have pink eyes and skin.
White Bluebonnets
SELECTIVE BREEDING The selection of certain seeds or animals for reproduction in order to influence the traits inherited by the next generation.
SELECTIVE BREEDING The Liger is the result of breeding a female Tiger to a male Lion. The liger has both stripes and spots. The stripes are inherited from its tiger parent and the spots from the lion parent. On their hind legs, ligers stand approximately 12 feet tall. At most, ligers may weigh up to 1,000 pounds.
The Cama is the result of breeding a Llama to a Camel The Cama is the result of breeding a Llama to a Camel. Parents in background of picture.
The Zebroid is the result of breeding a female Horse and a male Zebra. The Zedonk / Zonkey is the result of breeding a female Donkey and male Zebra.
The Mule is the result of breeding a female horse (mare) to a male donkey (jack). The mule is superior to the horse in strength, endurance, intelligence and disease resistance.
Looking a bit more into the genetics involved, horses have 32 pairs of chromosomes while donkeys have only 31 pairs. When a male donkey and a female horse mate, they produce a mule (a male horse with a female donkey produces a different creature called a hinny).
Okay, Twilight fans… How could this relate to the Vampire vs. the Werewolf story-line in the Twilight series? Vampires have 25 pairs of chromosomes and humans have 23 pairs…but werewolves? This link “supposedly” helps.
GENETIC ENGINEERING The selective, deliberate change of genes (genetic material) by humans. The technique of removing, modifying or adding genes to a DNA molecule in order to change the information it contains.
French genetic researchers created Alba for artist Eduardo Kac. Thanks to genes borrowed from a jellyfish, the albino rabbit glows green when placed under special lighting. In regular light, Alba appears like any other furry white rabbit. But place her under a black light, and her eyes, whiskers and fur glow a otherworldly green.
"Glow in the dark" fish. these genetically modified fish were developed by a Taiwanese aquatic firm, Taikong Group. They are planning to reproduce these fish in numbers and sell them for pets.
Scientists in the agriculture department of the Hebrew University in Rehovot, have genetically engineered a chicken that has no feathers.
Inheriting a Genetic Disorder
What are genetic disorders? A genetic disorder is an abnormal condition that a person inherits through their genes or chromosomes.
What are genetic disorders? Some are caused by mutations in DNA. For example, sickle cell disease which you learned about yesterday!
What are genetic disorders? This is a picture of ALL your chromosomes called a “karyotype”. Others are caused by bigger changes in the chromosome. For example, having too many chromosomes – Down Syndrome.
Cystic Fibrosis Let’s take a closer look at a genetic disorder called Cystic Fibrosis. Watch this video to learn about this condition.
How do you get a genetic disorder? Genetic disorders like Cystic Fibrosis are NOT contagious! You can’t catch them from someone else who is sick! You inherit them from your parents. How do you know which children are at risk for inheriting Cystic Fibrosis?
Who is affected by Cystic Fibrosis? Let’s find out more about how Cystic Fibrosis is inherited. Overall, the probability (% chance) of inheriting CF if BOTH parents are carriers is 25% (1 in 4). But you may have had more or less than 1 child inherit the disorder.
Can Cystic Fibrosis be cured? People hope that gene therapy can one day provide a cure for genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis. Gene Therapy - involves removing the mutated gene and replacing it with a healthy gene. Watch this video to find out more… (“Finding Cures” video – you may need to sign into the site using Google and then search for cystic fibrosis)