Presentation at LIFE Kick-off meetings LIFE communication Presentation at LIFE Kick-off meetings NEEMO Communications Team
Contents of presentation NEEMO Communications Team LIFE communication tools Your project’s communication March 2015
NEEMO Communications Team March 2015
Role of the Communication’s team DG ENV/DG CLIMA/EASME NEEMO Technical Monitoring Team Beneficiaries NEEMO Communications Team Assisting the EC/EASME with LIFE communications to facilitate transfer of experience and know-how to promote the LIFE programme to the general public based on information provided by NEEMO Technical Monitors and beneficiaries Providing communication assistance to beneficiaries March 2015
The NEEMO Communications Team (CoT) Central Email: life-comm@neemo The NEEMO Communications Team (CoT) Central Email: Central Telephone: +32 (0)2 736.56.43 Sectoral Coordinator Christophe Thévignot Technical Experts João Silva [NAT], Gabriella Camarsa [ENV], Eveline Durieux [INF], Panos Fetsis [CLIMA] Editorial Justin Toland, Derek McGlynn, Eamon O’Hara, Kirsten Heppner, Joanne Potter, Jon Eldridge, Morwenna Severon, Stephen Gardner, Stephen Nottingham, Tim Hudson, Wendy Jones Production Thomas Chullikal [Web], Prody Mwemena [web & social media], Daniel Renders [Design], Anita Cortes [Layout] Thematic Dissemination Lucie Trokanova [NAT], Carlos de la Paz [ENV], Eveline Durieux [INF], Panos Fetsis [CLIMA] Information & Media management Eveline Durieux/Sophie Brynart/Fabrice Wagner 14 FTE Senior Content Officer Monique Braem Quality Coordinator Enrique Nieto (14 FTE)
LIFE communication tools Website (over 1.5 million page views yearly or an average of 130 000 hits/month) LIFEnews (22.000 subscribers) Thematic brochures Best projects brochures Projects database (and e-library) New projects compilations General dissemination material (bookmarks, conference folders, posters and thematic factsheets) Multimedia archive (LIFE projects videos and LIFE Flickr photo gallery) Overview of LIFE by country Support to communication (factsheets) Increased visibility through social media (Facebook, Twitter) March 2015
March 2015
Your project’s communication March 2015
Why communicate? Improve participation of relevant stakeholders Share knowledge and experience Achieve synergies with other projects Promote yourself and your product March 2015
Communication requirements Common provisions (CP) and contractual obligations “The coordinating beneficiary and associated beneficiaries shall be under an obligation to ...” - From Common Provisions and contractual March 2015
1. Visibility (CP §13.1) Publicise the project and its results Mention the EU the support in all documents and media produced in the framework of the project: books, brochures, press releases, audio-visual material Give details in each activity report March 2015
2. Website (CP §13.4) Create a new or use an existing website which should be online at the latest 6 months after project start and kept for at least 5 years after project end shall be regularly updated Disseminate project activities, progress and results Indicate the web address in reports March 2015
3. LIFE logo (CP §13.2,13.3, 13.5 & 13.8) Should appear on all documents, media and durable goods LIFE Nature projects shall also use the Natura 2000 logo However LIFE logo may not be referred to as a certified quality label or eco-label Please note: products not bearing the logos are considered ineligible costs (CP§26) March 2015
4. Notice boards (CP §13.5) Erect and maintain notice boards describing the project display them at the locations where it the project is implemented, at strategic places accessible and visible to the public LIFE Nature projects notice boards shall carry LIFE and Nature 2000 logos March 2015
5. Layman’s report Contractual obligation: In electronic and paper format Presentation of the project’s objectives, its actions and results to a general public For decision-makers and non-technical parties 5-10 pages In English and in the beneficiary’s language March 2015
6. After-LIFE Communication plan Contractual obligation for ENV&POL, INF and BIODIV projects: as a separate chapter of the final report in paper and electronic format sets out plans for continued dissemination and communication of results after the project’s end in the project’s language(s) (obligatory) and in English (strongly recommended) March 2015
6. After-LIFE Conservation plan LIFE Nature projects have a contractual obligation to produce an “After-LIFE Conservation Plan” In the project’s language(s) (obligatory) and English (strongly recommended) in paper and electronic format And which sets out how conservation activities are planned to continue and to develop after the end of the project, and how the longer-term management of the site(s) will be assured. March 2015
7. Further requirements Events Audio-visual material (CP§13.10.) Inform the LIFE Units of and invite to all seminars and public conferences (at least 3 weeks in advance) Audio-visual material (CP§13.10.) The EC shall not be considered “co-producer” Credits shall include an explicit and readable mention of the LIFE support (e.g. “With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union”) Non-exclusive rights are granted to the EC to reproduce, dub, distribute and use any audio-visual documents produced by the project March 2015
Use the NEEMO Communications Team! Send them: News of your project Meetings, closing conferences and events Awards the project has won, etc. Products (in e-format) Photos (with captions and credits) DVDs or mpg/VOB, MP4 files, etc. Guidelines and recommendations Technical reports, manuals, etc. To be uploaded on the LIFE website or LIFE projects database and e-library March 2015
Contact the NEEMO Communications Team Please do not hesitate to contact the NEEMO Communications Team (…. and as always, with a copy to your NEEMO Technical Monitor), directly at: Tel.: +32 (0)2 736.56.43 LIFE ftp server for depositing documents from beneficiaries: login: lifebenefic password: Gr33n4us! LIFE is also on Facebook (, Twitter ( and Flickr ( March 2015
Thank you all very much for your attention and for your contributions! March 2015