7-2 Team Meeting 2/28/17
Overall Behavior Has Been Very Good We appreciate your continued cooperation and respectful behavior. The following procedures must be followed to create a more successful learning environment.
Overall, timely work completion has dropped in all classes. It is not possible to be successful without doing the work that has been assigned in a timely fashion. Make the choice to be successful in school.
Absences When you are absent from school you should: Check your teachers’ websites for class activities and homework. Email your teachers if further clarification on class activities and homework is needed. If extra help is needed, set up a time to meet with your teacher after school. You are responsible for making up the work you missed.
Missing Class When you miss class because of in-school activities (magazine drive, concerts, student council, etc.), you should: See your teacher the day before you leave for the activity. Turn in any assignments that are due that day. Collect any current assignments from the class you missed.
If a teacher gives you something to eat, finish it during that class. No Food, Gum, Candy, etc. If a teacher gives you something to eat, finish it during that class. If you have an individual question about this policy, please discuss with that specific teacher.
Treat all technology with respect. The school’s technology is not for your personal use. You must use the technology as directed by your teachers.
Homework Book Used as Hall Pass In order to leave class, you must sign out using the pass at the bottom of each day in your assignment book. Once the student completes the pass, have the teacher sign the book. You must also follow any individual classroom procedures for leaving the classroom. Please hydrate in between class periods.
Cell Phones Your phone should be “off and away” during the school day. (7:55 to 3:03) Silent does not mean off. If a teacher allows you to use your phone it is for that class only.
You should only call home during the school day for a true emergency. Calling Home You should only call home during the school day for a true emergency. Forgetting your homework, gym clothes, instruments, etc. is not an emergency. All calls are to be made from the phone in the front office.
Be patient and considerate, especially when you hand in work late. Grading Remember teachers have two weeks to grade assignments and update the grade book. Be patient and considerate, especially when you hand in work late.
End of Third Marking Period The marking period ends Friday 3/31/17.
Don’t... Bring GAK or fidget toys to school. Cut through the team center unless directed by the teacher. Go in the back of the team center. Change seats without permission.
Do… Utilize your assignment book. Ask permission and sign out before leaving any class. Get pink pass for extra help before the end of the day. Report to extra help promptly with questions prepared. Extra help ends at 3:20. Try your best.