Cold War TimeLine Project
Paper Set-Up: Folding Fold paper in half three times
8-Sqaure Visual Vocabulary Term 5 words that describe Who, what, when, where, why Summary of key words Drawing/ Symbol Term 5 words that describe Who, what, when, where, why Summary of key words Drawing/ Symbol
Truman Truman Makes Decision pg 378 Iron Curtain pg 400 Containment Policy pg 402 Truman Doctrine pg 400 Berlin Blockade & Airlift pg 403 Korean War pg 407-10 Eisenhower Mutually Assured Destruction pg 413 Massive Retaliation pg 413-4 Brinkmanship pg 414 Domino Theory pg 534
Kennedy Bay of Pigs Invasion pg 508 Cuban Missile Crisis pg 508-9 Berlin Wall pg 510 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty pg 510 Kennedy’s Assassination pg 515 Johnson Gulf of Tonkin Resolution pg 536 My Lai Massacre pg 555 War Powers Act pg 559
Nixon Détente w/ Soviet Union pg 562 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) pg 562 Carter Carter Changes Course pg 616 Relations w/ Soviets Cool (SALT II) pg 616 Reagan Reagan Builds Up U.S. Military pg 639 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) pg 640 Reagan Aids Anticommunists pg 640
Gorbachev Pursues Reforms pg 640 Two Leaders Meet pg 641 Cold War Ends pg 641 Communism Ends in Eastern Europe pg 641 Soviet Union Breaks Apart pg 642
Visual Vocabulary Rubric: 1pt for term 1pts for 5 words 1pt for summary 1pt for drawing 4pts X 30 = 240 pts