Small Office Networking Your Hosts: Isabel and Sam
Session Starters Please silence your cell phones When asking questions please clearly state your name and where you are from A link where you can download the PowerPoints will be available after the conference for review, but take notes! Sit back, relax and let’s have some fun Silence your cell phones Clearly state your name and where you are from We will have specific breaks for questions so please hold your questions until you see a “Question Break” slide come up. Microphones stands are available in addition to runners should you have questions. We will have question breaks throughout so please hold questions until that time. PowerPoint Files will be available online after the conference if you need to review, but take notes!
What we’re doing… Network with your peers CSO Team Members standing by for questions This session is a really great opportunity for our Small Office clients to get to the heart of what we’re trying to do with this conference – which is to give you a chance to network with your peers! This session in particular is designed to give you a chance to speak with other Small Office clients to discuss strategies to streamline your efforts in office to make your job easier, and to make your efforts more successful. We’ll have some suggested topics up on the screens, but please feel free to discuss any topic you feel is appropriate. Isabel and I will be standing by should you have specific questions about CSO.
Potential Topics Here is a list of suggested topics to get you started. Going paperless with Observations and Reports Establishing saved reporting and utilizing Audits and System Stats Saved mass emails and email templates Automatically activate jobs from active Contacts How do you clean-up your site? Sharing personal tips
Suggestions Suggestions to Streamline Your Processes Quick marketing ideas with External links Additional jobs from our Partners CSO Connect Upcoming Features Email Campaign One Click Reports
If you have any questions please contact the Support Team or your CRM! Thanks for Attending! If you have any questions please contact the Support Team or your CRM! Coming up next: 5:00pm-7:30pm Dinner on Your Own 7:30pm Esther’s Follies on 525 E. Sixth Street