Week 12 It’s our last lesson of Technovation! I hope you had a great week and everything is running smoothly!
Reflection Discuss with your team and beyond... What have you gained from these 12 weeks with Technovation? What have you learned from your mentor? Since it’s the last lesson of Technovation, we’re going to reflect as a team and then as a large group about our experiences. First in your teams, cover these two questions: What have you gained from these 12 weeks with Technovation? And What have you learned from your mentor? (Give as much time as seems appropriate) Let’s now create a larger circle so everyone fits. We’ll go around in the circle and share what they learned from their mentor and one thing they are grateful for. Before we end, we have some surveys to fill out. Once you’re done, you can put them in a pile here.
Make Video Film your 4-minute pitch video Make sure everyone speaks Demo your app during video Upload to YouTube or Vimeo
Task List Do whatever still needs to get done… Upload all of your submission materials to Technovation by April 13th, 5 pm PST Show your friends and family your app!
Thank You ALL! Insert group photo Thank you all for your participation in Technovation. I’ve had a great time working with you.