Make it a Great Day! Friday, May 11th 2018 Opening Warm-up: Please get ready for the Unit 7 Test over Monsoon Asia. Clear your desk except for a pencil, you answer document, your study guide, lined paper for the writing portion (only if you don’t link writing on the back of your answer document) and bottled water if you have one. Everything else should be under your seat. We will start to review the study guide soon. Work Session: Review Unit 7 – Monsoon Asia Study Guide Unit 7 Test over Monsoon Asia When done: 1) Bring your answer document and writing portion to Mr. Hart. Stick around to see your score on the multiple-choice section. 2) You may listen to music quietly while you do origami, a word search over Australia, or get a head start on reading the introduction on pgs. 468-475. Closing Cool-down: On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most, how satisfied are you with your score on the multiple- choice portion of the test? What can you do to improve your score next time? Essential Question(s): What do I know about significant physical and human geography of Monsoon Asia? Materials you will need: Writing Utensil & Geography Notebook Unit 7 – Monsoon Asia Study Guide Unit 7 Test over Monsoon Asia & Answer Document