Latin American Leaders The history of Latin America is full of fascinating people: dictators, madmen, rebels, statesmen, conquistadors, emperors, writers, poets and more. Latin American Leaders
Ernesto Guevara “Che” “Until victory always” “The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.”
Symbol of Latin American Revolutions Born in Argentina to a “leftist” family; became a doctor. Traveled across South America; observations of the great poverty of the masses convinced him that the only solution lay in violent revolution. Convinced the United States would not support leftist movements and encouraged a worldwide revolution. Joined Fidel Castro to overthrow the dictatorship of Batista in Cuba.
One of the leading figures in the Cuban revolution and guerilla warfare movement. Became an important member of Castro’s government and attacked U.S. foreign policy. Continued to write and give speeches on the need for socialist movements around the world. Went to Bolivia in 1966 to create and lead a guerilla group to overthrow their government. Captured and executed. “Shoot, coward, you’re only going to kill a man.” –said at his execution.
Fidel Castro Cuba
Fidel Castro Political leader of Cuba since 1959. Transformed his country into the first communist country in the Western Hemisphere. Symbol of communist revolution in Latin America. Became a lawyer and political activist against the dictatorship of Batista. Exiled to Mexico where he organized a coup.
Cubans supported Castro because he promised to give them their rights back and restore the old constitution. Once Batista fled, Castro pursued more radical policies; private industry and land were seized and American businesses were kicked out. Castro created a one-party government to exercise dictatorial control over all aspects of Cuba's political, economic, and cultural life Castro created alliances with the Soviet Union, and the United States ended diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 and put a trade embargo on them.
The Bay of Pigs United States CIA attempted to train and arm Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro but failed. Cuban Missile Crisis 1962, Soviet Union stationed ballistic missiles in Cuba that could reach American cities; crisis ended when USSR agreed to remove weapons if the U.S. removed missiles from Turkey and stopped trying to overthrow Castro. Castro expanded the country's social services, extending them to all classes of society on an equal basis. Educational and health services were made available to Cubans free of charge, and every citizen was guaranteed employment.
Cuban economy did not flourish, and the standard of living was barely met. Supported by Soviet handouts until 1991. 2006 began to pass power to his brother, Raul. 2011 completely stepped down from power Economic reforms to allow private business have begun in Cuba.
Mirabal Sisters Legacy of bravery and compassion in order to save the lives of many people in the Dominican Republic. Involved in the underground movement to overthrow Trujillo. Trujillo dictator of the Dominican Republic from 1930-1961. Created a one party system and imprisoned/killed opponents. Anti-communism made him a friend of the U.S. Mirabal sisters were in and out of prison due to their resistance of Trujillo until they were murdered by Trujillo’s men. Murder led to the Dominican Revolution.
mirabal Sisters and Dictator Trujillo Dominican Republic
Hugo Chavez Venezuela Army officer who participated in an effort to overthrow the government in 1992; served 2 years in prison. Became president of Venezuela in 1999 and died 2013. Created a new constitution; tightened control of state run oil companies; increased oil trade with other countries; created a socialist free-trade organization with Cuba and Bolivia. Chávez was known for being outspoken and strict throughout his presidency; he insulted oil executives, church officials and other world leaders; very hostile with the United States government. Supported by the poor masses of Venezuela.
Evo Morales Bolivia Formed the “Movement Toward Socialism” political party which supported the indigenous right of farmers to grow coca. Bolivian indigenous people have been chewing coca leaves for centuries for energy and to stop hunger; they believe in it’s natural state that it is not a drug (cocaine). Morales became the first indigenous president in South America and first labor activist; poor farmer all his life. Socialist president focused on land reform and opposing the United States. Popular leader among the majority indigenous people (55-70%). Nationalized gas and oil reserves to begin trade with other countries. Economic alliance with Cuba and Venezuela; not with the U.S.
"I think Mr. Bush wants us to be a colonized democracy: dependent, submissive, and subordinate to foreign interests."