Michaela Grell – Unit G1 – SBS Michaela.Grell@ec.europa.eu OECD Joint ITS and TIS Session 10. d) Globalisation projects at Eurostat STD/NAES/TASS/ITS(2007)19 Michaela Grell – Unit G1 – SBS Michaela.Grell@ec.europa.eu 18 September 2007 10. d) Globalisation projects at Eurostat
FATS – Foreign AffiliaTes Statistics FATS-Regulation (adopted 20 June 2007) covering inward and outward FATS Mandatory data collection from reference year 2007 onwards Voluntary data collection reference years 1996-2006 FATS-Recommendations Manual (published July 2007) Consistency as much as possible with HEGI and MSITS Pilot studies testing the feasibility of additional data requirements: results in 2009 / 2010 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat FATS – Pilot studies Inward FATS pilot studies: Total and intra-group imports and exports, broken down by goods and services (11) Size class breakdown (5) NACE sections M, N and O (3) R&D variables for service activities (3) Outward FATS pilot study: Total imports and exports, broken down by goods and services (12) Intra-group imports and exports, broken down by goods and services (11) personnel costs (13), value added at factor costs (11), gross investment in tangible goods (12), other variables (2) 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
FATS-pilot: Definition of exports and imports According to ESA95/SNA93: Exports and imports of goods and services: transactions from residents to non-residents or vice versa Goods: change of ownership Services: Services rendered Definitions apply for inward and outward FATS, therefore: Inward FATS: residents foreign-controlled affiliates located in (data-) compiling country Outward FATS: residents foreign-controlled affiliate located in host country 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
FATS-pilot: Definition of intra-group exports and imports According to ESA95/SNA93: Subset of total intra-group exports and imports Intra-group exports and imports: all trade transactions between foreign affiliates, the ultimate controlling unit and all non-resident affiliates controlled by the ultimate controlling unit Not included: trade partners in the same country as the foreign affiliate in question 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
FATS-pilot: Valuation of trade variables Goods: f.o.b. at the border of the exporting country Services: Market prices according to MSITS Possible limitations in comparability to BoP and Trade statistics: Legal constraints with forbid to use BoP and Trade data, e.g. confidentiality SBS-Variables can be used, but estimation of f.o.b. and market prices needed: exports: turnover imports: total purchases of goods and services Breakdown by industrial activities (BoP and FATS) vs. breakdown by products (Trade) 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
FATS-pilot: Relevant trade transactions Example for inward FATS 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
FATS-pilot: Relevant trade transactions Example for outward FATS 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
International Sourcing Provisions of services outside the EU Aim of the project: Factors driving international sourcing of goods and services, e.g. impact on the competitiveness of the enterprises motivations benefits barriers consequences for employment relocation of domestic (or domestically sourced) production to producers located abroad 14 Member States participating, results: mid-2008 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat EuroGroups Register New Business Register Regulation in progress: aims at including recording of enterprise groups as well as the exchange of data on MNEs and their constituent units between Member States and Eurostat for statistical purposes The exchange of data implies the creation of a Community register of MNEs: EuroGroups register Feasibility study 2006: 4 National Statistical Institutes, 600 MNEs, over 80,000 units Data from private sources, consolidated at Eurostat and checked by Member States Implementation planned 2007-2009. Ultimate aim: cover all MNEs which operate in Europe 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
Modernisation of European Enterprise and Trade Statistics (MEETS) provides financing for the development of enterprise and trade statistics in the years 2008 until 2013 Legal basis in progress Reaction to changes in world economy combined with reduction of administrative burden on businesses 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
Main objectives of MEETS Identification of new areas and areas of lesser importance One priority is globalisation (seminar, task force, grants) Streamlining of all statistics related to business: integration of concepts and methods in business statistics focus on European perspective co-ordination of the legal acts harmonisation of the methodologies work on the further integration linking of statistical classifications linking of business registers and related sources, inclusion of MNEs into the business register set up of the reporting on MNEs 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
Main objectives of MEETS Integration of data collection and treatment single system or micro-data linking use of administrative data ensure that the data that still needs to be collected can be obtained easily from the company accounts. Development of standard estimation techniques Simplifications to the Intrastat system: thresholds, ICT improvements, nomenclatures etc. Investigation of a single flow system 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat
Thank you very much for your attention! 18 September 2007 Item 10. d) Globalisaton projects at Eurostat