Sharing Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), Lunar Science and Astromaterials Samples with Local & Distributed Audiences During International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) our SMEs shared lunar science & samples with local participants and virtually with InOMN participants at NASA Goddard & NASA Marshall. Live webinar event designed to generate excitement about International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) and lunar science was facilitated on October 17, 2018. Johnson Space Center (JSC) Astromaterials Research & Exploration Science (ARES) scientist John Gruener was the lead SME. ~1500 participants attended the live event with an additional 3000+ expected to be reached through the archive. Participants included K-12 students, educators and Solar System Ambassadors from 33 states + Mexico, Russia, and India. Participant Quotes: "I loved how relevant the event was to what is happening at NASA." "This talk was very inspirational!" "The live interaction was awesome!...It also gave the students a real life visual of what they are studying in their science classes!" "One of the very best NASA webinars I've attended…" Susan Runco, NASA Astromaterials Research & Exploration Science (ARES),; Paige Graff, ARES, October 26, 2018