IVDZ Hello boys and girls, Before coming out to the Discovery Zone 2-PS1-3 prepack Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” Make observations to construct an evidence-based account of an object made of a small set of pieces can be disassembled and made into a new object. Hello boys and girls, Before coming out to the Discovery Zone why not introduce yourself to some of the cool words we will be using. IVDZ
Shelter can be temporary (short lasting) or permanent (long lasting) 2-PS1-3 prepack Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” shelter – a place that gives protection from bad weather or danger I seek shelter whenever the rain begins to fall. Shelter can be temporary (short lasting) or permanent (long lasting) IVDZ
IVDZ The explorers built their dwellings out of branches and leaves. 2-PS1-3 prepack Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” Dwelling – a kind of shelter where people live. The explorers built their dwellings out of branches and leaves. IVDZ
Engineers solve problems using different types of sciences. 2-PS1-3 prepack Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” engineer – a person who solves problems using science An engineer was needed to fix the broken bridge. Engineers solve problems using different types of sciences. IVDZ
2-PS1-3 prepack Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” limited resources – when there is only a certain amount of a needed resource to solve a problem. Wood was a limited resource for our bridge, so we had to use some steel. Engineers must solve problems even when some materials aren’t available. IVDZ
IVDZ I was searching for a solution to the Rubik’s Cube. 2-PS1-3 prepack Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” Solution – has multiple meanings, BUT this meaning is: the answer to a problem I was searching for a solution to the Rubik’s Cube. IVDZ
IVDZ Remember these things when you Come out to the Discovery Zone. 2-PS1-3 prepack Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” Make observations to construct an evidence-based account of an object made of a small set of pieces can be disassembled and made into a new object. Remember these things when you Come out to the Discovery Zone. We’ll see you soon! IVDZ