SCDSB Reporting Forms Health and Safety Concern Report HS 02-01 Urgent Life Threatening (gas leak, chemical spill, fire) Non-Life Threatening (ergonomics, lighting, slip, trip or fall, housekeeping or cleaning issues) Member completes Section 1 and notifies their immediate supervisor Supervisor investigates, resolves the issue and completes Section 2 If a member is not satisfied with the resolution they may contact H&S reps, Mark Butt ( or Jennifer Elliott ( Air Quality Concern Report HS 02-02 Member notifies their immediate supervisor of air quality concerns (stale air, no fresh air). The supervisor investigates and resolves the issue or they provide a questionnaire to the member Member completes the Indoor Air Quality Concern Questionnaire and returns it to their immediate supervisor Supervisor forwards the concern report to Facility Services and Corporate Risk Facility services investigates the problem and resolves it Workplace Injury A member should report all injuries to their immediate supervisor and complete the online injury report Staff Website – Board – click on Report of Workplace Injury/Illness and complete If a member requires medical attention please complete the appropriate WSIB forms Members are encouraged to contact the SCETF Office (705) 728-2888 if they will be off work or returning to work after an injury