STMS Track AND FIELD Spring 2019
Participants Any 6th, 7th, or 8th Grade Boy or Girl Physical Dated After May 1, 2018 Substance Abuse Policy Transportation Form Track Parent Permission Sheet
Practices March 19-May 1 (3:20-5 pm) Report to the Track ready to go by 3:20. Proper running clothes Shoes Water Bottle Sweats (if Needed) Practices will be done in three rotations every day Parents should be here at 5:05 (No later than 5:15) for pick-up
Absences from Practice Are goal is for athletes to be at all practices. If you miss for Non-School related activities: You will not be permitted to participate in Relays If you have an unexcused absence the day before the meet, you will not be able to participate in the upcoming meet Excused Absences If you have an excused absence from school, you will have an excused absence from practice Parents will need to inform Coach Manga or Coach Rice of any Non-school Related activities to make the absence excused
Meets If you are unable to participate in meets due to injury or grades, you will not be permitted to travel to away meets with the team If you are gone from school for part of the day, you must be here by 4th hour to participate in the meet If you are leaving early from a Meet, your parent will need to sign you out with a coach. You may not leave with a friend unless a coach knows of this and has given permission prior to the meet.
Three-Strike Policy 1: Verbal Warning and an Email home from Coach Manga or Coach Rice 2: Phone Call Home 3: Removal from team
Spirit Wear-Orders Due February 27th