Palliative Care Co-Design Event! Cultivating Change: Co-Designing A Caregiver Friendly Hospital And Community Palliative Care Co-Design Event!
Welcome and introduction Kate Wilkinson Vice President, Quality and Clinical Programs, Sinai Health System 2
Palliative Care at Sinai Health Dr Palliative Care at Sinai Health Dr. Russell Goldman Director Of Temmy Latner 3
Out of the Shadows and Into the Circle Harpreet Bassi Executive Lead, Program Implementation The Change Foundation 4
Care Delivery Re-design The Change Foundation Ontario’s independent policy think tank - committed to changing the debate, practice and experience in health care - with the intent of prompting system-wide improvements for patients & caregivers. Here is how we influence the system: Research Policy Analysis Care Delivery Re-design Public Engagement
Our Focus on Family Caregivers From 2010-2015 The Foundation’s strategic plan focused on patient engagement and improving the patient experience in Ontario. Through our engagement work, we realized, we needed to tilt our thinking from: Patient Centred Care Patient & Family Centred Care
The Caring Experience 2015-2016 - Our year of listening and learning Our “on the ground” engagement and research activities are described in, Out of the Shadows and Into the Circle: From Listening and Learning to Action
Changing CARE: Designed to improve the experience of family caregivers in Ontario Informed directly by the needs & experiences of Ontario’s caregivers & providers Aims to develop local supports, programs, & resources that address four thematic needs identified by family caregivers & providers:
Changing CARE Supports four health care partnerships Cornwall Community Hospital Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance St. Joseph's Health Care London Sinai Health System & WoodGreen Common aim to inspire change in how health care organizations, providers, & family caregivers work together.
What Does Success Look Like for Changing CARE? To Identify What is most important: To caregivers in improving their experience in their interactions and to demonstrate the difference the change makes to them For caregivers to experience support in their caregiver roles To work Hand-in-hand with providers & caregivers in determining areas for improvement & the processes by which to achieve the goals To Understand The quality improvement changes that offer the greatest value & inform opportunities to spread, improve practice & inform policy To Capture The hearts & minds of organizations, providers, & funders to understand the importance of supporting the needs of caregivers, to build capacity & to create a social movement for change in ON
Changing CARE: Timeline April 2017 to March 2020
Changing CARE: Cultivating Change Goal: Co-design a caregiver-friendly hospital and community hub. . Target Population: Caregivers of patients receiving care from the stroke rehabilitation, palliative care, or neonatal intensive care unit at Bridgepoint Active Health hospital as well as community caregivers Project Focus Build a culture & philosophy of care in which caregivers are formally recognized, valued for their deep knowledge, & actively listened to in order to assess their unique needs Project Aims Formally identify caregivers and ensure they are valued and supported Enable Caregivers to thrive in their roles across the hospital to community continuum Project Partners
Vijey’s Story 13
Session 1: What Does It Feel Like To Be A Caregiver Accessing Palliative Care Services? 14
What Have We Learned? 15
Lunch! See You At 12:45pm! 16
Aboriginal Perspectives on caregiving Catherine Brooks Clinical Counsellor, WAASH-KESHUU-YAAN, Anishnawbe Health Toronto 17
Sheila’s Story 18
Session 2: How Can We Ensure Our Services Become More Caregiver-Friendly? 19
Our Top Change Ideas! 20
What’s Next? 21
Thank you! 22