history BHS Year 11 1.1 Year 12 2.1 Year 13 3.1 research ...
finding information
The Research Process Define Search Select Evaluate Cite
Dealing with information Research Assignments Where to research How to research Dealing with information
information file Tips for using the Info File Folders are arranged in topics Index of titles – red folder Photocopy useful articles – can highlight; have citing info Check dates of articles – depends on your topic whether this is important. These are actual clippings from papers and magazines – they don’t break copyright. You can photocopy or photograph these for your own personal study use but cannot use images or post pictures anywhere.
magazines Useful looking articles Photocopy the article – you can highlight text and keep referring to it. Or photograph onto your phone. Photograph the magazine details on your phone – Name, date & issue number, publisher. You’ll also need the Title, author and page numbers of the article if you do a Bibliography. OPAC search for keyword or subject – may give you a magazine reference – this will be a BHS magazine which we hold in the Library. Ask at the desk if it is not on the shelf – it may be an older copy held in the Stack (back storeroom.) Remember you can only take a copy for your own use. There are lots of magazine and journal titles which we don’t hold in the Library. You can access many articles on-line through EPIC, INNZ, CCL sites.
on-line searching “ “ Double quotes/speech marks to search for whole phrases eg “Pearl Harbour” AND - use AND between words/phrases to search for all parts of the search string. eg Gallipoli AND ANZAC OR - use OR to search using alternate terms. eg ANZAC OR “New Zealand defence force” – Minus sign –add to a search term to exclude any words or terms you don’t want in your search ~ Tilde sign – will find synonyms/words with similar meanings. Helps to widen your key word search. * Asterisk - look for all endings on a word OR use to find a word missing from a phrase. eg ecol* - ecology, ecological, ecologist, ecologically OR we will * on the beaches Location search – use :place name to find information from a specific location. eg Gallipoli:Turkey Search within a site – use :site url to search only within that site. eg Gallipoli:WW100.com Search within a Time/Date range – do a search, then click on Tools button at top of search list. Click on Anytime to bring down a menu of choices. Custom range is the most precise.
Find the page set up for your topic. Or use the general help pages.
On-line Searching