(draft-josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap-06.txt) PEAP Version 2 (draft-josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap-06.txt) Ashwin Palekar/Dan Simon Glen Zorn/Joe Salowey/Hao Zhou Simon Josefsson Microsoft Cisco Extundo Presenter: Hao Zhou (hzhou@cisco.com)
Why V2 Compound Binding Problem Clarifications for implementation draft-puthenkulam-eap-binding-03.txt Goal: Allows authentication protocols to be simultaneously deployed with and without PEAP at same time Clarifications for implementation Acknowledged result Error handling Sequence of Methods Support
Current Status Draft 6 is submitted to IETF Has resolution for compound binding problem Use both compound MAC and compound key binding for key generating methods Policy to force non-key generating method only run inside PEAP or secure medium Acknowledged result Result TLV Work in progress Working on Sequence Support Will submit a new draft before next IETF