Scottish Clinical Imaging Network Annual Event 2015 We all know that Clinical radiology is at the centre of modern medicine and is critical to the strategic ambitions of the NHS We also know that high quality clinical radiology delivers significant improvement in patient outcomes
National Managed Diagnostic Networks SCIN SCBMN SPAN SMVN In 2011 the National Planning Forum (NPF) commissioned a review of all networks operating at an all Scotland level. Following the Review, The Scottish Government Health Services Committee (SGHSC) transferred responsibility for commissioning and performance management of the 4 National Managed Diagnostic Networks (NMDNs) to National Services Division (NSD);
What has Changed? New Accountability Structure New Lead Clinician/Network manager/Network Scientific manager New name/logo/website New Subgroups Different emphasis The network is accountable to Scottish Government Health and Social Care Committee through the National Specialist Services Committee The Diagnostic Steering Group continues to have an ongoing advisory role
Subgroups Quality GP access to Imaging Seven day working National Procurement for Outsourcing PET CT
What is a Network For? Working together Gaining consensus Having a voice Moving issues forward
What Do I Want From Today?
Plan for This Morning Quality Improvement 7 Day working PET CT 10.50-11.10 am
Plan for This Morning Round table discussions Feedback 12.20-13.05 pm
Afternoon session Website Direct Access to Imaging for Primary Care National Procurement of Radiology Reporting Round Table discussion 14.40-14.55pm
Afternoon session Feedback session Shared services
NHS Boards Chief Executives’ Group 14 January 2015 Shaping the future of shared services for NHS Scotland: Guiding principles and implementation proposals Radiology/labs/ medical physics/ dispensing E health/HR/finance/laundry central decontamination catering estates procurement etc Managed nationally, operated on a regional and local basis. Potential benefits include standardising processes, improving quality, building resilience and releasing cash and efficiencies savings.