19th Working Group on Quality in Statistics New ESS Handbook on Quality and Metadata Reporting State of play of the preparation, next steps 19th Working Group on Quality in Statistics Laurent Olislager, Eurostat, D4 06/12/2016 Eurostat
Current situation ESS handbook for quality reports, 2014 edition Eurostat
Requests from previous WGs Full alignment with SIMS v2.0 (+ ESMS & ESQRS) Updated process typology (new methods and sources) Links with GSBPM Introduction on metadata Include all dimensions of quality Include good practices, examples Promote harmonised structured reporting Layered approach, interactive dissemination Eurostat
Timetable Action launched in September 2016 Planned completion: September 2017 Milestones: January 2017: first version of the revised Handbook Feb. 2017: tests in two NSIs and in Eurostat May 2017: written consultation on the second draft 14/06/2017: new state of play in the Quality WG Eurostat
Pilots Eurostat sends to volunteer NSIs: the draft Handbook a specific questionnaire The NSI Quality team provides feedback by: analysing the overall structure and content coordinating tests of relevant parts by production teams Exact timetable and scope will be discussed with volunteers Eurostat
Thank you for your attention! We invite you to provide your comments and to express your interest in participating in the tests of the first version of the revised Handbook in February 2017 Laurent.Olislager@ec.europa.eu Eurostat