PHP Language Basics
PHP code starts with <?php and ends with ?> written to a .php file <?php // statements ?>
anywhere in an HTML content PHP code can be placed anywhere in an HTML content <?php // PHP can be placed here ?> <html><head> </head><body> <?php // or here... ?> </body></html> <?php // or even here ?>
To put a string into the HTML of a PHP-generated page, use echo (It’s like Java’s System.out.println) echo “Printy”; echo(“Printy”); // also valid
You can specify multiple items to print by separating them with commas echo “First”, “second”, “third”; Firstsecondthird
There is a shorter way to echo a variable <span><?php echo $name; ?></span> // shorter <span><?=$name?></span>
To check the type and content of a variable, use the var_dump() function var_dump($a); // int(10)
We can easily put multiline strings into your program with a heredoc (here documents) $html = <<< EndOfQuote <html><head> </head><body> Hello World! </body></html> EndOfQuote;
The names of user-defined classes and functions, as well as built-in constructs and keywords are case-insensitive
Thus, these three lines are equivalent: echo(“hello, world”);
Null keywords are also case-insensitive $val = null; // same
Variables, on the other hand, are case-sensitive. That is, $name, $NAME, and $NaME are three different variables
to separate statements PHP uses semicolons to separate statements
echo “Hello, world”; myFunction(42, “O'Reilly”); $a = 1; $name = “Elphaba”; $b = $a / 25.0; if ($a == $b) { echo “Rhyme? And Reason?”; }
Whitespace doesn’t matter in a PHP program
For example, this statement: could just as well be written raisePrices($inventory, $inflation, $costOfLiving, $greed); could just as well be written with more whitespace: raisePrices ( $inventory , $inflation , $costOfLiving , $greed ) ; or with less whitespace: raisePrices($inventory,$inflation,$costOfLiving,$greed);
PHP provides several ways to include comments within your code (all of which are borrowed from existing languages such as C, C++, and the Unix shell)
Shell-style comments: # create an HTML form requesting # that the user confirm the action echo confirmationForm();
C++ comments: // create an HTML form requesting // that the user confirm the action echo confirmationForm();
C comments: /* create an HTML form requesting that the user confirm the action */ echo confirmationForm();
Variable names always begin with a dollar sign ($) and are case-sensitive
Here are some valid variable names: $bill $head_count $MaximumForce $I_HEART_PHP $_underscore $_int
Here are some illegal variable names: $not valid $| $3wa
another of a different type You can replace a variable’s value with another of a different type (known as type juggling) $what = “Fred”; $what = 35; $what = array(“Fred”, 35);
You can reference the value of a variable whose name is stored in another variable $foo = “bar”; $$foo = “baz”; // $bar = “baz”
What variable contains 100? $foo = ‘bar’; $$foo = ‘world’; $$$foo = 100;
constant cannot change. Only scalar values can be constants Once set, the value of a constant cannot change. Only scalar values (Booleans, integers, floats, and strings) can be constants
Constants are set using the define() function: define(‘PUBLISHER’, “O’Reilly”); echo PUBLISHER;
Update: PHP 7 allows us to define array constants define(‘NAME’, [‘One’,‘Two’,‘Three’]);
You cannot give a variable, function, class, or constant the same name as a keyword
__CLASS__ and endforeach __DIR__ array() endif __FILE__ as endswitch __FUNCTION__ break endwhile __LINE__ echo eval() __METHOD__ else exit() __NAMESPACE__ elseif extends __TRAIT__ empty() final __halt_compiler() enddeclare insteadof abstract endfor interface
isset() require_once default list() return die() namespace callable do new case for or catch foreach print class function private clone global protected const goto public continue if require declare implements
include var include_once while instanceof xor static switch throw trait try unset() use
In PHP, arithmetic operators are very similar to that in Java $b = 3; var_dump($a + $b); // 13 var_dump($a - $b); // 7 var_dump($a * $b); // 30 var_dump($a / $b); // 3.333333... var_dump($a % $b); // 1 var_dump($a ** $b); // 1000 var_dump(-$a); // -10
Assignment operators are also very similar
But be careful! $a = ‘1’; $b = 2; $c = $a + b; $d = $a . $b;
There are also incrementing and decrementing operators $b--;
Comparison operators are similar, too var_dump(2 < 3); // true var_dump(3 < 3); // false var_dump(3 <= 3); // true var_dump(4 <= 3); // false var_dump(2 > 3); // false var_dump(3 >= 3); // true var_dump(3 > 3); // false
And so are the logical operators var_dump(true && true); var_dump(true && false); var_dump(true || false); var_dump(false || false); var_dump(!false);
But there are the PHP 7’s new “spaceship” operator var_dump(1 <=> 5); var_dump(1 <=> 1); var_dump(5 <=> 2);
PHP 7 also introduces the new null coalesce operator $uname = isset($_GET['uname']) ? $_GET['uname'] : 'guest'; var_dump($uname); $uname = $_GET['uname'] ?? 'guest'; $_GET['uname'] = 'admin';
When comparing values, we need to be careful with type juggling var_dump($a == $b); var_dump($a === $b); var_dump($a != $b); var_dump($a !== $b); var_dump($a == $c); var_dump($a <> $c);
Strings are delimited by either single or double quotes ‘big dog’ “fat hog”
Variables are interpolated within double quotes, while within single quotes they are not
Interpolation is the process of replacing variable names in the string with the values of those variables
$name = “Guido”; echo “Hi, $name”; echo ‘Hi, $name’; Hi, Guido Hi, $name
The other way is to surround the variable being interpolated with curly braces echo “You are the $nth person”; echo “You are the {$n}th person”; You are the 12th person
What’s the output? $var = ‘world’; $$var = 100; echo ‘Hello $var<br>’; echo “Hello $var<br>”; echo ‘Hello $world<br>’; echo “Hello $world<br>”;
To test whether two strings are equal, use the == operator if ($a == $b) { echo “a and b are equal” }
Use the is_string() function to test whether a value is a string if (is_string($x)) { // $x is a string }
gets the length of a string The strlen() function gets the length of a string $s = ‘FILKOM UB’; echo strlen($s); // 9
The strtolower() function converts all characters in a string to lowercase $s = ‘FILKOM UB’; echo strtolower($s); // filkom ub
The strtoupper() function converts all characters in a string to uppercase $s = ‘filkom ub’; echo strtoupper($s); // FILKOM UB
The trim() function removes all blank spaces surrounding a string $s = ‘ FILKOM UB ’; echo trim($s); // FILKOM UB
To concatenate a string, use the dot operators $s1 = ‘FILKOM ’; $s2 = ‘UB’; $s3 = $s1 . $s2; // FILKOM UB
Use the is_bool() function to test whether a value is a Boolean or not if (is_bool($x)) { // $x is a Boolean }
Use unset() to remove a variable $name = “Fred”; unset($name); // throws a PHP notice
has been set to something, To see if a variable has been set to something, use isset() $s1 = isset($name); // $s1 is false $name = “Fred”; $s2 = isset($name); // $s2 is true
values all evaluate to false: In PHP, the following values all evaluate to false: The keyword false The integer 0 The floating-point value 0.0 The empty string (“”) and the string “0” An array with zero elements An object with no values or functions The NULL value
$val = “”; if ($val) { // this won’t be executed }